- Have fewer missed workouts than last year
- Stay injury free
- Improve posture
- Lose weight
- BB bench press: 225x20
- DB bench press: 100x20
- BB OH press: 185x10
- SSB squat: 260x10
- Pullups-wtd: TBD
- Work out every single day of the year (23 missed days)
- Stay injury free
- Improve posture
- BB bench press: 225x15
- BB bench press: 275x05
- DB bench press: 100x15
- BB OH press: 165x10
- BB OH press: 185x05
- SSB squat: 250x10
- SSB squat: 280x05
- Pullups-wtd: 25x15
- Pullups-wtd: 50x10
Recap: good year even though I hit only 5 goals out of 12. Not having any notable injuries was great as I was able to do all the movements throughout the year. Highlights: BB OHP 175 for 11 reps followed by BB bench press 225 for 15 reps. Misses: too many missed workouts. While working out every single day is not realistic due to illness, I shouldn't miss any days for any other reason. Plans for next year: stick with the current program as it seems to be working. Keep focusing on building a strong foundation with higher rep sets and clean form. Maintain current strength levels while losing weight. Yearly totals: 210 resistance plus cardio days, 132 cardio only days, 23 missed days.
- stay injury free - had a left shoulder injury for the first 9 months of the year but finished the year injury free
- improved posture - need to focus on this more
- 275 SSB squat - didn't do any 1 rep max attempts all year
- 405 deadlift - didn't deadlift much due to a lower back injury
- 210 BB OH press - shoulder injury prevented me from heavy OHP work
- 100x10 DB OH press-std - took this out of the program as it didn't agree with my shoulders
- 90x10 DB OH press-sngl
- 100x2 DB OH press-sngl
- stay injury free
- improved posture
- 315 squat
- 405 deadlift
- 180 BB OH press - original
- 200 BB OH press - updated
- 80x10 DB OH press
- 300 squat - original
- 325 squat - updated
- 325 bench - did 320
- 375 deadlift - original
- 425 deadlift - updated
- 20 pullups - did 18
- 200 OH press - did 180
- 175 BB curl - did 155
- 20 pullups - not quite full ROM
- 315 bench - did 300
- 10 pistol squats
- standing ab wheel rollouts
- improved posture