A ZSH theme inspired by bureau & bureau-env but going further on environment integration, that's why this name.
Using Gaia you will have always in front of your eyes:
- Kubernetes active cluster and namespace
- Terraform active workspace
- Google Cloud active configuration
- Python virtualenv active
- Ruby version and environment
- Java version
- Ruby version
Recomended font: Hack Nerd Font
Of course git status fully integrated too
- virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper
- Recomended: [kubectx](https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx
- Recomended: nerd-fonts. Set a nerd font in your terminal for non ASCII chars.
- GAIA_THEME_NVM_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide nvm active version
- GAIA_THEME_JAVA_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide java version
- GAIA_THEME_VENV_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide Python virtualenv active environment
- GAIA_THEME_RUBY_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide ruby active version
- GAIA_THEME_K8S_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide Kubernetes active cluster and namespace (kubectx nd kubenv required)
- GAIA_THEME_TF_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide Terraform active workspace
- GAIA_THEME_GCP_SHOW=true|false to enable display/hide Google Cloud active configuration. Use 'gcloud config ocnfigurations' to get more details
- KUBE_PS1_BINARY will be used to target kubectl location. Defaults to /usr/bin/kubectl
- GCP_PS1_BINARY will be used to target gcloud location. Defaults to /usr/bin/gcloud
- Use command kubeon and kubeoff to enable disable Kuvbernetes prompt integration. This is useful when your k8s cluster is slow or timing out which will impact your shell performance.