ryan@ub22d17:~$ export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb ryan@ub22d17:~$ gz sim -v4 shapes.sdf [Msg] Gazebo Sim GUI v8.3.0 [Dbg] [gz.cc:166] Subscribing to [/gazebo/starting_world]. [Dbg] [gz.cc:168] Waiting for a world to be set from the GUI... [Dbg] [Gui.cc:263] Waiting for subscribers to [/gazebo/starting_world]... [Msg] Received world [shapes.sdf] from the GUI. [Dbg] [gz.cc:172] Unsubscribing from [/gazebo/starting_world]. Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. [Msg] Gazebo Sim Server v8.3.0 [Msg] Loading SDF world file[/usr/share/gz/gz-sim8/worlds/shapes.sdf]. [Dbg] [Application.cc:96] Initializing application. [Dbg] [Application.cc:170] Qt using OpenGL graphics interface [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:657] Create main window [Msg] Serving entity system service on [/entity/system/add] [Msg] Loaded level [3] [Msg] No systems loaded from SDF, loading defaults [Dbg] [ServerConfig.cc:1016] Loaded (3) plugins from file [/home/ryan/.gz/sim/8/server.config] [Dbg] [Physics.cc:860] Loaded [gz::physics::dartsim::Plugin] from library [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-physics-7/engine-plugins/libgz-physics-dartsim-plugin.so] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Physics] for entity [1] [Msg] Create service on [/world/shapes/create] [Msg] Remove service on [/world/shapes/remove] [Msg] Pose service on [/world/shapes/set_pose] [Msg] Pose service on [/world/shapes/set_pose_vector] [Msg] Light configuration service on [/world/shapes/light_config] [Msg] Physics service on [/world/shapes/set_physics] [Msg] SphericalCoordinates service on [/world/shapes/set_spherical_coordinates] [Msg] Enable collision service on [/world/shapes/enable_collision] [Msg] Disable collision service on [/world/shapes/disable_collision] [Msg] Material service on [/world/shapes/visual_config] [Msg] Material service on [/world/shapes/wheel_slip] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::UserCommands] for entity [1] [Dbg] [SystemManager.cc:74] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::SceneBroadcaster] for entity [1] [Msg] Serving world controls on [/world/shapes/control], [/world/shapes/control/state] and [/world/shapes/playback/control] [Msg] Serving GUI information on [/world/shapes/gui/info] [Msg] World [shapes] initialized with [default_physics] physics profile. [Msg] Serving world SDF generation service on [/world/shapes/generate_world_sdf] [Msg] Serving world names on [/gazebo/worlds] [Msg] Resource path add service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/add]. [Msg] Resource path get service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/get]. [Msg] Resource path resolve service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/resolve]. [Msg] Resource paths published on [/gazebo/resource_paths]. [Msg] Server control service on [/server_control]. [GUI] [Dbg] [PathManager.cc:68] Requesting resource paths through [/gazebo/resource_paths/get] [GUI] [Dbg] [Gui.cc:343] GUI requesting list of world names. The server may be busy downloading resources. Please be patient. [GUI] [Dbg] [PathManager.cc:57] Received resource paths. [GUI] [Dbg] [Gui.cc:401] Requesting GUI from [/world/shapes/gui/info]... [GUI] [Dbg] [GuiRunner.cc:149] Requesting initial state from [/world/shapes/state]... [GUI] [Msg] Loading config [/home/ryan/.gz/sim/8/gui.config] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [MinimalScene] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:802] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:802] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:986] Creating render thread interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:802] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:986] Creating render thread interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [3D View] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [MinimalScene] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libMinimalScene.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [EntityContextMenuPlugin] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Entity Context Menu] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [EntityContextMenuPlugin] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libEntityContextMenuPlugin.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [GzSceneManager] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Scene Manager] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [GzSceneManager] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libGzSceneManager.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [InteractiveViewControl] [GUI] [Msg] Camera view controller topic advertised on [/gui/camera/view_control] [GUI] [Msg] Camera reference visual topic advertised on [/gui/camera/view_control/reference_visual] [GUI] [Msg] Camera view control sensitivity advertised on [/gui/camera/view_control/sensitivity] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Interactive view control] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [InteractiveViewControl] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libInteractiveViewControl.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [CameraTracking] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Camera tracking] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [CameraTracking] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libCameraTracking.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [MarkerManager] [GUI] [Msg] Listening to stats on [/world/shapes/stats] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Marker Manager] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [MarkerManager] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libMarkerManager.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [SelectEntities] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Select entities] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [SelectEntities] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libSelectEntities.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [Spawn] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Spawn] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Spawn] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libSpawn.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [VisualizationCapabilities] [GUI] [Msg] View as transparent service on [/gui/view/transparent] [GUI] [Msg] View as wireframes service on [/gui/view/wireframes] [GUI] [Msg] View center of mass service on [/gui/view/com] [GUI] [Msg] View inertia service on [/gui/view/inertia] [GUI] [Msg] View collisions service on [/gui/view/collisions] [GUI] [Msg] View joints service on [/gui/view/joints] [GUI] [Msg] View frames service on [/gui/view/frames] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Visualization capabilities] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [VisualizationCapabilities] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libVisualizationCapabilities.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [WorldControl] [GUI] [Msg] Using world control service [/world/shapes/control] [GUI] [Msg] Listening to stats on [/world/shapes/stats] [GUI] [Dbg] [WorldControl.cc:237] Using an event to share WorldControl msgs with the server [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [World control] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [WorldControl] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libWorldControl.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [WorldStats] [GUI] [Msg] Listening to stats on [/world/shapes/stats] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [World stats] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [WorldStats] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libWorldStats.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [Shapes] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Shapes] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Shapes] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libShapes.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [Lights] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Lights] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Lights] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libLights.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [TransformControl] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Transform control] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [TransformControl] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libTransformControl.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [Screenshot] [GUI] [Msg] Screenshot service on [/gui/screenshot] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Screenshot] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [Screenshot] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-gui-8/plugins/libScreenshot.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [CopyPaste] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Copy/Paste] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [CopyPaste] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libCopyPaste.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [ComponentInspector] [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Component inspector] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [ComponentInspector] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libComponentInspector.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:528] Loading plugin [EntityTree] [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityTree/EntityTree.qml:148:7: QML ToolButton: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Msg] Added plugin [Entity tree] to main window [GUI] [Msg] Loaded plugin [EntityTree] from path [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gz-sim-8/plugins/gui/libEntityTree.so] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:398] Loading window config [GUI] [Msg] Using server control service [/server_control] [GUI] [Dbg] [Application.cc:671] Applying config [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityTree/EntityTree.qml:148:7: QML ToolButton: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/WorldStats/WorldStats.qml:53:3: QML RowLayout: Binding loop detected for property "x" [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:52:3: QML RenderWindowOverlay: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Wrn] [Application.cc:908] [QT] file::/EntityContextMenuPlugin/EntityContextMenuPlugin.qml:67:3: QML EntityContextMenu: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:802] Creating gz-rendering interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:986] Creating render thread interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering-ogre2] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:749] Create scene [scene] [GUI] [Dbg] [MinimalScene.cc:1037] Creating texture node render interface for OpenGL [GUI] [Dbg] [TransformControl.cc:453] TransformControl plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [GUI] [Dbg] [Spawn.cc:308] Spawn plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [GUI] [Dbg] [SelectEntities.cc:452] SelectEntities plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [GUI] [Dbg] [MarkerManager.cc:169] Advertise /marker/list service. [GUI] [Dbg] [MarkerManager.cc:179] Advertise /marker/list. [GUI] [Dbg] [MarkerManager.cc:189] Advertise /marker_array. [GUI] [Dbg] [CameraTracking.cc:172] CameraTrackingPrivate plugin is moving camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [GUI] [Msg] Move to service on [/gui/move_to] [GUI] [Msg] Follow service on [/gui/follow] [GUI] [Msg] Move to pose service on [/gui/move_to/pose] [GUI] [Msg] Camera pose topic advertised on [/gui/camera/pose] [GUI] [Msg] Follow offset service on [/gui/follow/offset] [GUI] [Dbg] [InteractiveViewControl.cc:176] InteractiveViewControl plugin is moving camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [GUI] [Dbg] [EntityContextMenuPlugin.cc:79] Entity context menu plugin is using camera [scene::Camera(65527)] [Msg] Found no publishers on /stats, adding root stats topic [Msg] Found no publishers on /clock, adding root clock topic [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:547] Creating PostUpdate worker threads: 2 [Dbg] [SimulationRunner.cc:558] Creating postupdate worker thread (0) [Msg] Serving scene information on [/world/shapes/scene/info] [Msg] Serving graph information on [/world/shapes/scene/graph] [Msg] Serving full state on [/world/shapes/state] [Msg] Serving full state (async) on [/world/shapes/state_async] [Msg] Publishing scene information on [/world/shapes/scene/info] [Msg] Publishing entity deletions on [/world/shapes/scene/deletion] [Msg] Publishing state changes on [/world/shapes/state] [Msg] Publishing pose messages on [/world/shapes/pose/info] [Msg] Publishing dynamic pose messages on [/world/shapes/dynamic_pose/info] [Dbg] [EntityComponentManager.cc:1655] Updated state thread iterators: 16 threads processing around 2 entities each. [Wrn] [Model.hh:69] Skipping serialization / deserialization for models with //pose/@relative_to attribute. [Wrn] [Component.hh:144] Trying to serialize component with data type [N3sdf3v145WorldE], which doesn't have `operator<<`. Component will not be serialized. [GUI] [Wrn] [Component.hh:189] Trying to deserialize component with data type [N3sdf3v145WorldE], which doesn't have `operator>>`. Component will not be deserialized. [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model [GUI] [Wrn] [Model.hh:98] Unable to deserialize sdf::Model