Python v2 is required to install Gatsby. Please ensure python
is in your PATH
npm install -g gatsby
- Create new Gatsby site
gatsby new my-test-gatsby-site
This creates the directory for your Gatsby project and adds the minimal files needed. cd my-test-gatsby-site
gatsby develop
— Gatsby will start a hot-reloading development server accessible at localhost:8000
The Gatsby CLI tool lets you install "starters". These are partially built sites preconfigured to help you get moving faster on creating a certain type of site.
When creating a new site, you can optionally specify a starter to
base your new site on e.g. gatsby new [SITE_DIRECTORY] [URL_OF_STARTER]
For example, to quickly create a blog using Gatsby, you could install the Gatsby Starter Blog by running:
gatsby new blog
This downloads the files and initializes the site by running npm install
If you don't specify a custom starter, your site will be created from the default starter.
There are several starters that have been created. Create a PR to include yours!