- Create a new repository based on repository from CSS 1
- Nothing much changes here from
The goal of this assignment is to make your site more responsive, using media queries and other techniques, as well as to add a few elements to your application.
Your application should contain the following breakpoints, with adjustments listed below:
IMPORTANT Measurements such as font height or weight, paddings, margins should be adjusted for each breakpoint. I leave these adjustments to your liking, as each project differs from others.
Listed below are only CHANGES - if something is not mentioned for a particular breakpoint, it should remain as-is (excluding properties mentioned by important notice above)
- 320px-768px
- precisely 1 card per row
- cards should now be horizontal
- image should be on the left side
- content and button remain in vertical orientation, as previously
- cards should now be horizontal
- Header navigation link list should be vertical instead of horizontal
- Footer link lists should now be oriented vertically, one below the other
- OPTIONAL Nav menu should become a hamburger menu - you can use some JS for this
- OPTIONAL Should contain a floating button in bottom-right corner of the screen that shows the left panel mentioned in further steps, but on the right-hand side instead
- precisely 1 card per row
- 769px-1200px
- precisely 3 cards per row
- Should contain a floating panel on the left-hand side of the screen, containing 4-5 buttons
- > 1200px
- precisely 3 cards per row
- cards should now be horizontal
- image should be on the right side
- content and button remain in vertical orientation, as previously
- cards, along with text, should accommodate very wide screens
- cards should now be horizontal
- Should contain a floating panel on the left-hand side of the screen, containing 4-5 buttons
- precisely 3 cards per row
- OPTIONAL If you feel comfortable with it, refactor your CSS to SASS
- OPTIONAL Make it so that when user enters print mode for your app, only the card list gets printed
- Fork this repository
- Clone your forked copy
- Run
yarn install
or similar to get this project's packages - Configure your IDE to run Prettier with settings provided
- Note: make sure Prettier runs for CSS and HTML, this might be disabled by default in Webstorm
- Use consistent commit messages
- (Probably) the best source for technical information regarding this task:
- If you're hopelessly stuck for more than 20 or so minutes, don't hesitate to contact me
- HTML matters in this assignment, too. Try to use an appropriate tag for its function - f.e.
for a header and<ul>
for lists - Use your best stylistic judgment when it comes to creating elements described in formal requirements. Descriptions there are on the vague side on purpose - don't be afraid to make it pretty
- Anywhere in this project where a link is present - it does not have to lead anywhere, just be there for presentational purpose
- For any long-form text elements, use lorem ipsum
- Interactive elements should have hover and other applicable modifiers also styled
- Anywhere an image is mentioned, you can use a solid color or a gradient
- Styles should not be in a
tag, but in their own file
The goal of this assignment is to create a simple page using CSS and HTML that contains a header, a footer, and some content, using flexbox and BEM.
The page should contain the following elements:
- Header
- Navigation bar
- Should contain 3-5 links
- Title image
- HTML element with text styled to be in the middle of this image - your site name
- Navigation bar
- Main content
- OPTIONAL TASK: use grid instead of flex for this part
- 11 cards, evenly distributed maximum 3 per row. Cards should consist of:
- Card header image
- Card title
- Card content - a paragraph of text
- "Details" button (should not do anything at this time)
- Footer
- Two columns, 2-4 links each, oriented vertically