Pastebin4scala is a complete API wrapper written in Scala. You'll need a developer key in order to use the Pastebin API. You can find yours here afer creating a Pastebin account.
All user-relevant methods are contained in Pastebin
and PastebinAccount
classes. Pastebin
, for "anonymous" API features and PastebinAccount
for features that require authentication.
All methods within those classes return a result wrapped within a Try
instance. This allows for clean and functional handling of successful and unsuccessful operations. Take for example, this block of code that uploads an authenticated paste
val pastebin = new Pastebin("developer_key")
pastebin.login("username", "password").flatMap(_.upload
title = "A test paste.",
content = "object Test { val example = 25 }",
format = "scala"
)).foreach(it => println(s"Upload complete, link: $it"))
And the same code, using pattern matching to handle any exceptions that might have been thrown during the chain of operations
val pastebin = new Pastebin("developer_key")
pastebin.login("username", "password").flatMap(_.upload
title = "A test paste.",
content = "object Test { val example = 25 }",
format = "scala"
)) match {
case Success(it) => println(s"Upload complete, link: $it")
case Failure(it) => handleErrorSomehow(it)
Deleting a paste and printing off an indication of that in just a few lines...
val pastebin = new Pastebin("your_developer_key")
pastebin.login("some_username", "some_password").flatMap(_.delete("aBcDeF")).foreach(it =>
println(s"Paste $it successfully deleted."))
More examples of anonymous and authenticated Pastebin API features can be found here.
If you encounter any issues with pastebin4scala please open a new issue describing the problem or a pull request with a potential fix to the problem.