- geometric vertices (v)
- texture vertices (vt)
- vertex normals (vn)
- parameter space vertices (vp) Free-form curve/surface attributes
- rational or non-rational forms of curve or surface type: basis matrix, Bezier, B-spline, Cardinal, Taylor (cstype)
- degree (deg)
- basis matrix (bmat)
- step size (step)
- point (p)
- line (l)
- face (f)
- curve (curv)
- 2D curve (curv2)
- surface (surf)
- parameter values (parm)
- outer trimming loop (trim)
- inner trimming loop (hole)
- special curve (scrv)
- special point (sp)
- end statement (end)
- connect (con)
- group name (g)
- smoothing group (s)
- merging group (mg)
- object name (o)
- bevel interpolation (bevel)
- color interpolation (c_interp)
- dissolve interpolation (d_interp)
- level of detail (lod)
- material name (usemtl)
- material library (mtllib)
- shadow casting (shadow_obj)
- ray tracing (trace_obj)
- curve approximation technique (ctech)
- surface approximation technique (stech)
- new material name (newmtl)
- ambient (Ka)
- diffuse (Kd)
- specular (Ks)
- non-transparency (d)
- transparency (Tr)
- transmission filter (Tf)
- shininess (Ns)
- illumination model (illum)
- ambient map (map_Ka)
- diffuse map (map_Kd)
- specular map (map_Ks)
- shininess map (map_Ns)
- non-transparency map (map_d)
- texture anti-aliasing (map_aat)
- displacement map (disp)
- decal map (decal)
- bump map (bump)
- reflection map (refl)