"Warble" is a command line interface that allows users to post Warbles (ie, Tweets), reply to specific Warbles, and read entire Warble threads, among other functions. Class project for CSCI 499 at USC.
Setup a Vagrant VM with the
box. -
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Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/gabroo/cs499_gabroo.git
Bazel will find all dependencies and make the necessary executables:
bazel build --config=all
Run all the tests with bazel:
bazel test --config=all
- Start the key value store:
./bazel-bin/kvstore/server [--store <file>]
(Note: the store is run without bazel because otherwise the paths for the persistence feature become overly complicated.)
- Start the FaaS server:
bazel run --config=func
- Warble!
bazel run --config=warble -- [flags]
You must include one of the following flags, but not both:
--registeruser <username>
- registers the given username
--user <username>
- logs in as the given username
If the --user
flag is specified, you must include one of the following actions:
--warble <warble text>
- creates a new warble with the given text
--reply <reply warble id>
- indicates that the new warble is a reply to the given id
--follow <username>
- starts following the given username
--read <warble id>
- reads the warble thread starting at the given id
- gets the user’s profile of following and followers