HTML5 Blank Changelog
- Added Bloginfo shortcode, allowing for dynamic bloginfo calls [bloginfo key=""] as shortcodes in dashboard
- Custom Post Types output count (per page) control - html5blank_custom_post_count in functions.php, which allows you to specify the custom post output count per page. Overrides the 'Blog pages show at most' inside Settings > Reading.
- Custom Comments callback - wp_list_comments('type=comment&callback=html5blankcomments'); editable comments now in functions.php
- Custom default Gravatar now built in, with demo gravatar.jpg inside the 'img' folder, swap it out
- Changed date format from the_date to the_time('F j, Y')
- Changed time format from the_time to the_time('g:i a')
- Changes above show the exact same when parsed, but have been changed due to the way WordPress works, which only shows one 'Date' for posts created on the same day. More here.
- Responsive Thumbnail support, added a function which removes width and height dynamic attributes from thumbnail
- Modified function - jQuery CDN fallback to get_template_directory_uri() instead of bloginfo('template_url')
- Add Support for Custom Header
- Tweaked support for Custom Background, added default color and placeholder background image
- Custom callback for wp_nav_menu, now in functions.php with html5blank_nav(); in header.php
- JavaScript added to 'scripts.js', hides URL bar after page load on iPhone/iPad, great for responsive projects
- Meta tag 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable' added to header.php
- Meta tag 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style' added to header.php
- Merged pull request from J-Rabe
- Localisation-support for all theme strings and empty *.pot for further translations
- German translation added by J-Rabe
- Functions.php includes new function 'load_theme_textdomain' for language support
- Loop.php created to handle the Loop core, with get_template_part inclusion for relevant files
- Loop.php includes conditional result for search results
- Swapped bloginfo('template_url'); for echo get_template_directory_uri(); on Logo + Favicon
- home_url instead of bloginfo('home')
- Merged pull request for comments.php code changes
- Merged pull request to remove 'rel' attribute from categories
- Filter added to remove autop paragraph function from Excerpts (Manual only)
- Filter added to allow shortcodes to execute inside Excerpts (Manual only)
- Filter added to strip autop tags altogether from Excerpts
- Enhanced author template
- Enhanced 404 page with return home link
- Semantic HTML enhancements
- Added 'published by the_author' hooks as a default
- Suggested include of WordPress Core CSS styles, now added
- Core template files restructure
- Semantic HTML enhancements
- Google analytics (optimised) dynamically loaded through functions.php in footer
- jQuery protocol relative fallback dynamically loaded through functions.php in footer
- Hardcoded footer.php content (analytics and jquery) removed as it's dynamically loaded now
- The Loop 'if, while, the' all inline, now inside parent section element
- Pagination links brought inside section element, outside of The Loop after our article
- Section elements brought outside The Loop to hold all page content
- The Loop 'else' content wrapper in article tag for markup/layout consistencies
- Post ID and Post Class added to article elements
- Category support for 'the category' title
- Enhanced Default Template page and Template Demo Page (page.php and template-demo.php)
- Threaded comments support
- Few obvious annotations removed
- Small typo in annotation 'function.php' changed to 'functions.php'
- Update theme default logo with new branding
- CSS tweak for default hyperlink color change to match Logo blue
- Update CDN and local jQuery fallbacks from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2
- Conditional page loads script added to functions.php
- Added Custom Background support into functions.php
- Remove WordPress Admin bar by default
- Remove 'text/css' from enqueued stylesheet
- Updated screenshot.png logo to new HTML5 Blank branding
- CSS change, :focus changed to input:focus as FireFox was adding focus styles to any element
- CSS change, new Chrome updates renders fonts thicker, reduced font-weight on body from 400 to 300
- CSS change, create non-semantic section below media queries, moved text-selection colors etc
- CSS change, default font-family for h1-h6 Helvetica Neue with Helvetica/Arial fallbacks (previous Georgia)
- CSS header theme details updated to new URL
- Move to new domain
- Favicon support for theme directory favicon.ico
- Apple touch icon support, drag into root folder
- and added and fully updated
- Commit
- Commit
- Commit of Empty Fonts folder with readme.txt inside (for GitHub detection)
- Initial commit