This is a small package for processing and plotting geodata provided as nc-files and pre- and postprocessing them accordingly. It is mostly build upon the xarray package.
git clone
The following packages are required for running the package:
- xarray
- netcdf4
- pandas
- numpy
- metpy
- windspharm
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- cartopy
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- statsmodels
- tqdm
- palettable (for more colorbars)
The required packages are provided by the condaEnv.yml file.
To install the package and all its dependencies, we recommend the following steps:
Create a new environment and install all required packages by running:
conda env create -f condaEnv.yml
conda activate geoutils
Otherwise you can install the required packages on your own python environment and install the geoutils package by:
pip install -e .
Download climate data, e.g. from ERA5 server and store the merged files in the data folder.
A tutorial for reading, processing and plotting data can be found at this .
A tutorial for analyzing and processing data can be found .
An example how to use climate indices is presented in this .
- Better documentation
- Add further tutorials
- Examples for statistical analysis.
Any feedback is very welcome. Useful extension proposals are very much appreciated as well.