issues Search Results · repo:fsek/voting language:Ruby
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infsek/voting (press backspace or delete to remove)This was discussed in a nämndmöte as an option to make guild meetings shorter. It would greatly quicken the elections of
the ansvarsposter section of the meeting. This would not be used for all the elections ...
- Opened on Nov 29, 2020
- #551
Add a button that users can press when they feel like they ve decided so that it s easier to see when we can start
making a decision on the current issue.
- Opened on Jan 28, 2019
- #528
Add functionality for users to sign up to a speaker list that automatically will be sorted into an A and B speaker list.
- Opened on Jan 28, 2019
- #527
Dependabot can t resolve your Ruby dependency files.
As a result, Dependabot couldn t update your dependencies.
The error Dependabot encountered was:
Bundler::VersionConflict with message: Bundler could ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 1, 2019
- #526
Whenever I am in the quick adjustments view and try to press the adjustment button the actual event is sent to the
server and processes correctly, however the client returns an error Cannot set property ...
- Opened on Dec 6, 2018
- #525
An option to disable votecodes would be nice. It is quite a hassle when emails with votecodes get gobbled by the server
and we don t require that high level of security for voting.
- Opened on Jun 4, 2018
- #440
The cleanup script should set all votecodes to nil, or at least allow this as an option
- Opened on May 23, 2018
- #433
People with no background in programming should be able to admin this app. Thus a button somewhere in the app to perform
cleanup:keep_users would be nice.
- 1
- Opened on May 16, 2018
- #427
Apparently Paranoia is not working very well with Rails, and they recommend Discard on their readme.
We have had some issues doing deletes and such, so I think this migration would be a nice refactoring. ...
- Opened on Apr 3, 2018
- #385

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