⚠️ We're currently porting some of this projects files, which is why some thing might not work as expected!
Help us review our code by checking our main files, including
- php
- javascript (this includes node.js, vue.js, alpine.js, angular.js and/or react.js)
- css (this includes SASS, LESS, bootstrap, tailwind and/or other frameworks used)
for errors or inadequate quality.
We automatically check our code for syntax errors before it is compiled and/or pushed to a Git Repo. Anyways, syntax errors can happen, especially if PRs are merged into a repo or anything happens in a rush. Therefore feel free to check the syntax of our code and open an issue or make a pull request if you notice anything wrong with the code.
It can happen that something formally is wrong but works regardless. If you notice anything like this in our code, please open an issue or fix the error and make a pull request.
Please note that we're currently in the proccess of modernizing our code. This means that some of the following quality guidelines are not fulfilled. Feel free to contribute and help us with our modernizing proccess.
Anything should be annotated, so everyone can understand our code. If there are comments missing, feel free to add them and make a pull request or open an issue.
Code should always be tidied up before committing. If you notice untidied code, please open an issue or fix it yourself and make a pull request.
Commits into the main-branch of a repo should be checked by at least two people before they're added. If you notice missing feedback on a commit, please immediately open an issue.
Sometimes something is just a work-arround or quick fix that belongs into a seperate shame-file. Main files however should not include something like this and should be appropriately written/coded. If you spot anything like this, please feel free to fix it and make a pull request or open an issue.