A variety of object detectors with different backbones are used for evaluation. For the HICO-DET dataset, to download the fine-tuned detector weights or attempt the fine-tuning yourself, refer to the instructions here.
Note that with the adavanced variants of DETRs, the performance of the model actually degrades under the same ResNet50 backbone. The details of this observation and the intuitions behind it are covered in Appendix E of the preprint.
# Training
DETR=base python main.py --pretrained checkpoints/detr-r50-hicodet.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-detr-r50-hicodet
# Testing
DETR=base python main.py --world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--eval \
--resume /path/to/model
# Caching detections for Matlab evaluation
DETR=base python main.py --world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir matlab
# Training
DETR=advanced python main.py --pretrained checkpoints/defm-detr-r50-dp0-mqs-lft-iter-2stg-hicodet.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-defm-detr-r50-hicodet
# Testing
DETR=advanced python main.py --world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--eval \
--resume /path/to/model
# Caching detections for Matlab evaluation
DETR=advanced python main.py --world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir matlab
# Training
DETR=advanced python main.py --num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--pretrained checkpoints/h-defm-detr-r50-dp0-mqs-lft-iter-2stg-hicodet.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-h-defm-detr-r50-hicodet
# Testing
DETR=advanced python main.py --num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--eval \
--resume /path/to/model
# Caching detections for Matlab evaluation
DETR=advanced python main.py --num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir matlab
# Training
DETR=advanced python main.py --backbone swin_large --use-checkpoint \
--drop-path-rate 0.5 \
--num-queries-one2one 900 \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--pretrained checkpoints/h-defm-detr-swinL-dp0-mqs-lft-iter-2stg-hicodet.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-h-defm-detr-swinL-hicodet
# Testing
DETR=advanced python main.py --backbone swin_large \
--drop-path-rate 0.5 \
--num-queries-one2one 900 \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--eval \
--resume /path/to/model
# Caching detections for Matlab evaluation
DETR=advanced python main.py --backbone swin_large \
--drop-path-rate 0.5 \
--num-queries-one2one 900 \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir matlab
The fine-tuned detector weights can be downloaded below.
Detector | DETR-R50 | Defm-DETR-R50 | H-Defm-DETR-R50 | H-Defm-DETR-SwinL |
Weights | 159MB | 182MB | 183.4MB | 833.1MB |
IMPORTANT. There are still some issues with the V-COCO code after a codebase migration. These will be fixed soon.
# Training
DETR=base python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--pretrained checkpoints/detr-r50-vcoco.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-detr-r50-vcoco
# Caching detections
DETR=base python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir vcoco_cache
# Training
DETR=advanced python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--pretrained checkpoints/defm-detr-r50-dp0-mqs-lft-iter-2stg-vcoco.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-defm-detr-r50-vcoco
# Caching detections
DETR=advanced python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir vcoco_cache
# Training
DETR=advanced python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--pretrained checkpoints/h-defm-detr-r50-dp0-mqs-lft-iter-2stg-vcoco.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-h-defm-detr-r50-vcoco
# Caching detections
DETR=advanced python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir vcoco_cache
# Training
DETR=advanced python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--backbone swin_large --use-checkpoint \
--drop-path-rate 0.5 \
--num-queries-one2one 900 \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--pretrained checkpoints/h-defm-detr-swinL-dp0-mqs-lft-iter-2stg-vcoco.pth \
--output-dir outputs/pvic-h-defm-detr-swinL-vcoco
# Caching detections
DETR=advanced python main.py --dataset vcoco --data-root vcoco/ --partitions trainval test \
--backbone swin_large \
--drop-path-rate 0.5 \
--num-queries-one2one 900 \
--num-queries-one2many 1500 \
--world-size 1 \
--batch-size 1 \
--cache \
--resume /path/to/model \
--output-dir vcoco_cache