- fix AioPageIterator search method #831 (thanks @joseph-jones)
- fix s3 region redirect bug #825
- bump botocore to 1.17.44
- fix generate_db_auth_token via #816
- revert __getattr__ fix as it breaks ddtrace
- Fixed AioSession.get_service_data emit call #811 via #812
- Fixed async __getattr__ #789 via #803
- Fixed S3 Presigned Post not being async
- Fixes typo when using credential process
- Disable Client.__getattr__ emit for now #789
- Fixed signing requests with explicit credentials
- API breaking: The result of create_client is now a required async context class
- Credential refresh should now work
- generate_presigned_url is now an async call along with other credential methods
- Credentials.[access_key/secret_key/token] now raise NotImplementedError because they won't call refresh like botocore. Instead should use get_frozen_credentials async method
- Bump botocore and extras
- Bump botocore and extras
- Drop support for 3.5 given we are unable to test it with moto and it will soon be unsupported
- Remove loop parameters for Python 3.8 compliance
- Remove deprecated AioPageIterator.next_page
- Fixed event streaming API calls like S3 Select.
- replace CaseInsensitiveDict with urllib3 equivalent #744 (thanks to inspiration from @craigmccarter and @kevchentw)
- bump botocore to 1.13.14
- fix for mismatched botocore method replacements
- Make AioBaseClient.close method async #724 (thanks @bsitruk)
- Bump awscli, boto3, botocore #735 (thanks @bbrendon)
- switch paginator to async_generator, add result_key_iters (deprecate next_page method)
- Bump botocore and extras
- Fix response-received emitted event #682
- Make tests pass with pytest 4.1 #669 (thanks @yan12125)
- Support Python 3.7 #671 (thanks to @yan12125)
- Update RTD build config #672 (thanks @willingc)
- Bump to botocore 1.12.91 #679
- Update to botocore 1.12.49 #639 (thanks @terrycain)
- Add ClientPayloadError as retryable exception
- Bring botocore up to date
- bump aiohttp requirement to fix read timeouts
- fix timeout bug introduced in last release
- bump aiohttp to 3.3.x
- remove unneeded set_socket_timeout
- Fix pagination #573 (thanks @adamrothman)
- Enabled several s3 tests via moto
- Bring botocore up to date
- Just version bump
- bump to aiohttp 3.1.x
- switch tests to Python 3.5+
- switch to native coroutines
- fix non-streaming body timeout retries
- Upgrade to aiohttp>=3.0.0 #536 (thanks @Gr1N)
- Fixed waiters #523 (thanks @dalazx)
- fix conn_timeout #485
- Updated awscli dependency #461
- Disabled compressed response #430
- Fix error botocore error checking #190
- Update supported botocore requirement to: >=1.7.28, <=1.7.40
- Bump aiohttp requirement to support compressed responses correctly #298
- Added SQS examples and tests #336
- Changed requirements.txt structure #336
- bump to botocore 1.7.4
- Added DynamoDB examples and tests #340
- add the supported versions of boto3 to extras require #324
- add the supported versions of awscli to extras require #273 (thanks @graingert)
- update supported aiohttp requirement to: >=2.0.4, <=2.3.0
- update supported botocore requirement to: >=1.5.71, <=1.5.78
- fix redirects #268
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.34, <=1.5.70
- fix read_timeout due to #245
- implement set_socket_timeout
- switch to PEP 440 version parser to support 'dev' versions
- Fix botocore integration
- Provisional fix for aiohttp 2.x stream support
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.34, <=1.5.52
- Fixed Waiter support
- Added support for aiohttp>=2.0.4 (thanks @achimnol)
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.0, <=1.5.33
- update botocore requirement to: botocore>=1.5.0, <1.5.29
- set aiobotocore.__all__ for * imports #121 (thanks @graingert)
- fix ETag in head_object response #132
- Normalize headers and handle redirection by botocore #115 (thanks @Fedorof)
- add support for proxies (thanks @jjonek)
- remove AioConfig verify_ssl connector_arg as this is handled by the create_client verify param
- remove AioConfig limit connector_arg as this is now handled by by the Config max_pool_connections property (note default is 10)
- botocore updated to version 1.5.0
- Pass timeout to aiohttp.request to enforce read_timeout #86 (thanks @vharitonsky) (bumped up to next semantic version due to read_timeout enabling change)
- Added enforcement of plain response #57 (thanks @rymir)
- botocore updated to version 1.4.73 #74 (thanks @vas3k)
- Initial alpha release