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Foundry's EVM support is mainly dedicated to testing and exploration, it features a set of cheatcodes which can manipulate the environment in which the execution is run.

Most of the time, simply testing your smart contracts outputs isn't enough. To manipulate the state of the EVM, as well as test for specific reverts and events, Foundry is shipped with a set of cheatcodes.

To understand how cheatcodes are implemented, we first need to look at revm::Inspector, a trait that provides a set of callbacks to be notified at certain stages of EVM execution.

For example, Inspector::call is called when the EVM is about to execute a call and is provided with the call's inputs and the current state of the EVM.

The evm crate has a variety of inspectors for different use cases, such as

  • coverage
  • tracing
  • debugger
  • logging

The concept of cheatcodes and cheatcode inspector is very simple.

Cheatcodes are calls to a specific address, the cheatcode handler address, defined as address(uint160(uint256(keccak256("hevm cheat code")))) (0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D).

In Solidity, this can be initialized as Vm constant vm = Vm(0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D);, but generally this is inherited from forge-std/Test.sol.

Since cheatcodes are bound to a constant address, the cheatcode inspector listens for that address:

impl Inspector for Cheatcodes {
    fn call(&mut self, ...) -> ... {
        if call.contract == CHEATCODE_ADDRESS {
            // intercepted cheatcode call
            // --snip--

When a call to a cheatcode is intercepted we try to decode the calldata into a known cheatcode.

Rust bindings for the cheatcode interface are generated via the Alloy sol! macro.

If a call was successfully decoded into the VmCalls enum that the sol! macro generates, the last step is a large match over the decoded function call structs, which serves as the implementation handler for the cheatcode. This is also automatically generated, in part, by the sol! macro, through the use of a custom internal derive procedural macro.

Cheatcodes implementation

All the cheatcodes are defined in a large sol! macro call in cheatcodes/spec/src/

sol! {
interface Vm {
    //  ======== Types ========

    /// Error thrown by a cheatcode.
    error CheatcodeError(string message);

    // ...

    // ======== EVM ========

    /// Gets the address for a given private key.
    #[cheatcode(group = Evm, safety = Safe)]
    function addr(uint256 privateKey) external pure returns (address keyAddr);

    /// Gets the nonce of an account.
    #[cheatcode(group = Evm, safety = Safe)]
    function getNonce(address account) external view returns (uint64 nonce);

    // ...

This, combined with the use of an internal Cheatcode derive macro, allows us to generate both the Rust definitions and the JSON specification of the cheatcodes.

Cheatcodes are manually implemented through the Cheatcode trait, which is called in the Cheatcodes inspector implementation.

Generates the raw Rust bindings for the cheatcodes, as well as lets us specify custom attributes individually for each item, such as functions and structs, or for entire interfaces.

The way bindings are generated and extra information can be found in the sol! documentation.

We leverage this macro to apply the Cheatcode derive macro on the Vm interface.

Cheatcode derive macro

This is derived once on the Vm interface declaration, which recursively applies it to all of the interface's items, as well as the sol!-generated items, such as the VmCalls enum.

This macro performs extra checks on functions and structs at compile time to make sure they are documented and have named parameters, and generates a macro which is later used to implement the match { ... } function that is to be used to dispatch the cheatcode implementations after a call is decoded.

The latter is what fails compilation when adding a new cheatcode, and is fixed by implementing the Cheatcode trait to the newly-generated function call struct(s).

The Cheatcode derive macro also parses the #[cheatcode(...)] attributes on functions, which are used to specify additional properties of the JSON interface.

These are all the attributes that can be specified on cheatcode functions:

  • #[cheatcode(group = <ident>)]: The group that the cheatcode belongs to. Required.
  • #[cheatcode(status = <ident>)]: The current status of the cheatcode. E.g. whether it is stable or experimental, etc. Defaults to Stable.
  • #[cheatcode(safety = <ident>)]: Whether the cheatcode is safe to use inside of scripts. E.g. it does not change state in an unexpected way. Defaults to the group's safety if unspecified. If the group is ambiguous, then it must be specified manually.

Multiple attributes can be specified by separating them with commas, e.g. #[cheatcode(group = "evm", status = "unstable")].

Cheatcode trait

This trait defines the interface that all cheatcode implementations must implement. There are two methods that can be implemented:

  • apply: implemented when the cheatcode is pure and does not need to access EVM data
  • apply_stateful: implemented when the cheatcode needs to access EVM data
  • apply_full: implemented when the cheatcode needs to access EVM data and the EVM executor itself, for example to recursively call back into the EVM to execute an arbitrary transaction

Only one of these methods can be implemented.

This trait is implemented manually for each cheatcode in the foundry-cheatcodes crate on the sol!-generated function call structs.

The JSON interface and schema are automatically generated from the sol! macro call by running cargo cheats.

The initial execution of this command, following the addition of a new cheat code, will result in an update to the JSON files, which is expected to fail. This failure is necessary for the CI system to detect that changes have occurred. Subsequent executions should pass, confirming the successful update of the files.

Adding a new cheatcode

  1. Add its Solidity definition(s) in cheatcodes/spec/src/ Ensure that all structs and functions are documented, and that all function parameters are named. This will initially fail to compile because of the automatically generated match { ... } expression. This is expected, and will be fixed in the next step
  2. Implement the cheatcode in cheatcodes in its category's respective module. Follow the existing implementations as a guide.
  3. If a struct, enum, error, or event was added to Vm, update spec::Cheatcodes::new
  4. Update the JSON interface by running cargo cheats twice. This is expected to fail the first time that this is run after adding a new cheatcode; see JSON interface
  5. Write an integration test for the cheatcode in testdata/cheats/