This repository includes ai workflow for angiogenesis related disease clustering and network analysis
N.B. The user must have Ruby, python and R installed.
1: Clone this repository*
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
2: Install the workflow manager Autoflow and other required ruby gems throught:
$ gem install autoflow
$ gem install report_html
3: Install PETS tool following the instuctions from
4: Install NetAnalyzer tool following the instuctions from
5: Install ExpHunter suite following the instructions from
6: Install CDlib python library following this tutorial:
7: Add the next folders to PATH variable.
The workflow can be executed throught executions/ This script has different options:
$ ./execution/ 1 # Download all required files $ ./execution/ 1b # Prepare download files for workflow $ ./execution/ 2 # Launch main clustering analysis $ ./execution/ 2b # Check workflow throught flow_logger $ ./execution/ 3 # Create matrices correlation graph