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firien edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 6 revisions

Now that I have a pico with Rust doing the bare minimum, it's off to Ethernet land. On a whim I ordered a enc28j60-i-sp for a breadboard. At this point, I have no idea how this chip will "talk" to the pico…

A friend tells me they "talk" via SPI. Great, let's wire this fucker up.

OK, turns out you need a whole bunch of shit to wire up the ENC28J60. Crystal Oscillators, ferrite beads, etc. So I took the easy way out and ordered a ENC28J60 breakout board: The Olimex ENC28J60-H

I found a old rust driver for the ENC28J60, but with recent pull requests incorporating smoltcp - with examples that looked stupid simple:

enc28j60-h tag has code for on SPI0 bus? on GP16-GP19. The contact sensor is on GP11

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