This is a simple code base to test working with millions of samples to simulate an environment to test use of structured data on the web to support IGSN Sample registration.
Build a simple tool to make 2 million samples.
Build a simple web site with landing pages and a sitemap.xml
Then use Gleaner to harvest it and make an index.
Need a "sampleRegister" that reads the sitemap and pulls the required registering information (and reads the time stamps)
Pull down Simons git repo for samples.
- limit 50K URL per sitemap
- URL can be another sitemap but only 50K again, so limit is 50K^2 or 2.5 B
- To support 1 million samples will require 20 sitemaps in an index.
The base sitemap is:
Of these we will likely use only the first two though the others can have optional meaning to the approach.
go run main.go
IGSN sample generator
Task (1000000/1000000) 2h23m14s [====================================================================] 100%
docker run -p$HOSTPORT:$CONTAINERPORT --name CONTAINER -t someimage