Application to manage my family's finances. With this app, I manage account inflows and outflows, control household product inventory, and track car mileage to monitor fuel costs. For accounts, there's an integration with OpenAI to generate analyses based on user-entered data.
Website Link Google Play App Link
I created this app to help my family better manage personal finances. Based on Rocketseat's DevFinances, I used the acquired knowledge to develop and expand my skills with AI and Tailwind among other technologies used. I had a total of 100 downloads on the Google Play store and about 10 users accessing this app monthly. The project is still in development to be monetized. This is the final version for my portfolio.
I talk more about it IN THIS POST on my LinkedIn.
This project was developed with the following main technologies:
- React JS
- TailwindCSS
- Typescript
- Apex Charts
- React Native
- Expo
- WatermelonDB
- Native Base
- React Native Charts kit
and more...
The project runs with Node.js v20+.
Instructions to install dependencies and start the project.
cd finances-app
npm i
npx run dev
You need to access this project Repository
Within the mobile app, you will need your API key to enter in settings to enable the artificial intelligence button.
Developed with 💜 by Filipe Batista