Please submit a request to the file-icons/icons
repository. Make sure the
icon isn't already included in one of the other icon-fonts first:
This package pulls its icon-to-filetype mappings from the file-icons/atom
repository using an update script. The *-icon-theme.json
files themselves
are auto-generated and shouldn't be edited by hand. Please add new extensions to
the upstream config.cson
file instead.
If config.cson
already lists the desired extension, then it's likely a problem
with the update script. See below.
The update script is unable to generate filetype mappings for patterns with
an indefinite number of variants, such as /^foo(.*)\.bar/
. In cases like this,
a workaround is to add a new entry to missing-filenames.txt
A caveat of this solution is that only fixed-length strings can be added; a more intuitive system for icon-mapping will eventually be developed in the future.