Click on a command to view more information about it. The shorthand can be used instead of the command name, E.g. /treeassist !at
Manage where the plugin is active or for whom
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/treeassist toggle | !tg | toggle plugin usage for yourself, globally |
/treeassist toggle [player] [world] | /ta !tg [player] [world] | toggle plugin usage for a player in a specific world |
/treeassist toggle [world] | /ta !tg [world] | toggle plugin usage for yourself in a specific world |
/treeassist toggle [player] | /ta !tg [player] | toggle plugin usage for a player, globally |
Manage which tools are required for the automated removal
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/treeassist addtool | /ta !at {trunk type} | add a required tool |
/treeassist removetool | /ta !rt {trunk type} | remove a required tool |
Force breaking and growing
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/treeassist forcebreak | /ta !fb | force break trees around you |
/treeassist forcegrow | /ta !fg | force saplings around you to grow |
use with caution
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/treeassist config get [node] | /ta !c get bStats.Active | get the value of a config node |
/treeassist config set [node] [value] | /ta !c set bStats.Active false | set the value of a config node |
/treeassist config add [node] [value] | /ta !c add wor Spawn | add an entry to a config list |
/treeassist config remove [node] [value] | /ta !c remove ignoreworlds pvparena | remove an entry from a config list |
TreeConfig | ------------ | ------------- /treeassist treeconfigconfig get [config] [node] | /ta !tc get default AutomaticDestruction.Active | get the value of a config node /treeassist treeconfigconfig set [config] [node] [value] | /ta !tc set default AutomaticDestruction.Active false | set the value of a config node /treeassist treeconfigconfig add [config] [node] [value] | /ta !tc add default GroundBlocks bedrock | add an entry to a config list /treeassist treeconfigconfig remove [config] [node] [value] | /ta !tc remove default GroundBlocks bedrock | remove an entry from a config list
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/treeassist debug | /ta !d | start/stop debug |
/treeassist findforest [treetype] | /ta !ff | find biome based on tree type |
/treeassist growtool | /ta !gt [treetype] | toggle the grow tool for [treetype] |
/treeassist noreplant | /ta !nr | stop replanting saplings for some time |
/treeassist purge global | /ta !p global | purge block placement entries globally |
/treeassist purge [world] | /ta !p [world] | purge block placement entries of [world] |
/treeassist purge [days] | /ta !p [days] | purge block placement entries older than [days] |
/treeassist reload | /ta !r | reload the plugin |
/treeassist tool | /ta !pt | toggle the sapling protection tool |