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Dotfiles Setup

Install packages


  1. Install MesloLGS NF
  2. Install Docker
# Leaving machine
$ cd ~/dotfiles

# Linux
$ leave-apt

# macOS
$ leave-brew
$ leave-brew-casks

$ leave-cargo
$ leave-bun
$ leave-pip

$ g add *
$ g commit -m "Leaving machine"
$ g push origin main

# -------------------------------------

# Fresh machine
# Clear out existing configs
$ rm ~/.zshrc ~/.zshenv ~/.gitconfig
$ rm -rf ~/.config

# Linux
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maveonair/helix-editor
$ xargs sudo apt-get install < apt-packages.txt

# macOS
$ brew update
$ xargs brew install < brew-packages.txt
$ xargs brew install --cask < brew-casks.txt

# login with github to access dotfiles and notebook repos
$ gh auth login

# install dotfiles (must come after installing stow)
$ git clone ~/dotfiles
$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ ./scripts/install

# install mise
$ curl | sh
$ ~/.local/bin/mise install

# install cargo (mise reccomends not using mise to manage rust)
$ curl -sSf | sh
$ xargs cargo install < cargo-packages.txt
$ install-cargo-custom < cargo-custom.txt

# add sccache to rust
$ cargo install sccache

# install bun packages
$ xargs bun add --global < bun-packages.txt

# install pip packages
$ pip install -r pip-packages.txt

# TODO: find way to automate custom bin installs
# setup location for custom installed libraries
$ mkdir ~/bin

# install zsh auto-suggestions and theme
$ git clone ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions
$ git clone ~/zsh-catppuccin-highlighting-theme
$ cd ~/zsh-catppuccin-highlighting-theme
$ cp -v themes/catppuccin_macchiato-zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh ~/.zsh/
$ cp -v themes/catppuccin_latte-zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh ~/.zsh/

# install ltex-ls
$ curl -L -o "$HOME/bin/ltex-ls.tar.gz"
$ cd ~/bin
$ tar -xvzf ltex-ls.tar.gz
$ rm ltex-ls.tar.gz
$ sudo ln -s ~/bin/ltex-ls-16.0.0/bin/ltex-ls ~/.local/bin/ltex-ls

# macOS only
$ sudo mkdir /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/17.0.2.jdk
$ sudo ln -s /Users/fjorn/.local/share/mise/installs/java/17.0.2/Contents /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/17.0.2.jdk/Contents

# make zsh default shell
$ chsh -s $(which zsh)

TODO: find way to automate generating leaves.txt files on reasonable schedule to always keep them up to date.

Windows shenanigans

After setting up WSL and installing Alacritty you need to symlink the Alacritty config to the Windows file system. Run the following in an administrator PowerShell instance

> New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path C:\Users\fjorn\AppData\Roaming\alacritty\alacritty.toml -Target "\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\fjorn\dotfiles\alacritty\.config\alacritty\alacritty.toml"

Furthermore, you'll likely need to modify the default shell for Alacritty to be the Ubuntu shell for WSL. Set the top level shell=ubuntu key in alacritty.toml.

Note that the symlink target points to the dotfiles repo and not ~/.config. This is because windows symlinks CANNOT follow Linux symlinks, so we need to point to the original file.

macOS and Homebrew

Most things from apt, mise, cargo, and the manual install list can be acquired via Homebrew on macOS. However, for maximal interoperability we instead manually ported over the list of apt packages to brew packages.

TODO: look into using nixOS/nix packages

Config TODOs