A quick way to get a development environment up and running is with Vagrant. You will need recent versions of Vagrant and VirtualBox installed.
First, install the latest versions of Vagrant and VirtualBox for your operating system.
The following command will update your 'hosts' file when you start the virtual machine, allowing you to access the site at http://mastodon.dev (instead of http://localhost:3000):
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
To create and provision a new virtual machine for Mastodon development run:
git clone git@github.com:tootsuite/mastodon.git
cd mastodon
vagrant up
Note: On Linux hosts, you will need to enable NFS support.
Running vagrant up
for the first time will run provisioning, which will:
- Download the Ubuntu 14.04 base image, if there isn't already a copy on your machine
- Create a new VirtualBox virtual machine from that image
- Run the provisioning script (located inside the Vagrantfile), which installs the system packages, Ruby gems, and JS modules required for Mastodon
- Run the startup script
The Vagrant box will automatically start after provisioning. It can be started in future with vagrant up
from the mastodon directory.
Once the Ubuntu virtual machine has booted, it will run the startup script, which loads the environment variables from .env.vagrant
and then runs rails s -d -b
. This will start a Rails server. You can then access your development site at http://mastodon.dev (or at http://localhost:3000 if you haven't installed vagrants-hostupdater). By default, your development environment will have an admin account created for you to use - the email address will be admin@mastodon.dev
and the password will be mastodonadmin
To stop the server, simply run vagrant halt
You should now have a working Mastodon instance, although it will not federate, as it is not publicly accessible. Should you need temporary federation for development and testing, see the Ngrok information in the Development Guide.
By default, your instance's ActionMailer will use "Letter Opener Web" for email. This means that any email that would normally be sent, will instead be stored, and accessible at http://mastodon.dev/letter_opener - you can use this to verify a registered user account.
You are able to set environment variables, which are used for Mastodon configuration, by editing the .env.vagrant
file. Any changes you make will take effect after a Vagrant restart.
Vagrant has mounted your mastodon folder inside the virtual machine. This means that any change to the files in the folder(e.g. the Rails controllers or the React components in /app) should immediately take effect on the live server. This allows you to make and test changes, and create new commits, without ever needing to access the virtual machine.
Should you need to access the virtual machine (for example, to manually restart the Rails process without restarting the box), run vagrant ssh
from the mastodon folder. You will now be logged in as the vagrant
user on the VirtualBox Ubuntu VM. You will want to cd /vagrant
to see the app folder.
You can find the Rails server logs in in the log
folder, which will often have the information you need.
If your Mastodon instance or Vagrant box are really not behaving, you can re-run the provisioning process. Stop the box with vagrant halt
, and then run vagrant destroy
- this will delete the virtual machine. You may then run vagrant up
to create a new box, and re-run provisioning.
To run the rspec
tests and rubocop
style checker, you may either:
- Install the relevant gems locally, or
- SSH into the virtual machine,
cd /vagrant
, and then run the commands
If you are confused, or having any issues with the above, the Mastodon IRC channel ( irc.freenode.net #mastodon ) is a good place to find assistance.