BIP: 8 Title: Version bits 2017 Author: Shaolin Fry <> Comments-Summary: No comments yet. Comments-URI: Status: Draft Type: Informational Created: 2017-02-01 License: BSD-3-Clause CC0-1.0
This document specifies an alternative to BIP9 that introduces an additional activation parameter to guarantee activation of backward-compatible changes (further called "soft forks").
BIP9 introduced a mechanism for doing parallel soft forking deployments based on repurposing the block nVersion field. Activation is dependent on near unanimous hashrate signalling which may be impractical and is also subject to veto by a small minority of non-signalling hashrate.
This specification provides a way to optionally guarantee lock-in at the end of the BIP9 timeout, and therefore activation, while still allowing a hashrate super majority to trigger activation earlier.
Each soft fork deployment is specified by the following per-chain parameters (further elaborated below):
- The name specifies a very brief description of the soft fork, reasonable for use as an identifier. For deployments described in a single BIP, it is recommended to use the name "bipN" where N is the appropriate BIP number.
- The bit determines which bit in the nVersion field of the block is to be used to signal the soft fork lock-in and activation. It is chosen from the set {0,1,2,...,28}.
- The starttime specifies a minimum median time past of a block at which the bit gains its meaning.
- The timeout specifies a time at which the deployment is considered failed. If the median time past of a block >= timeout and the soft fork has not yet locked in (including this block's bit state), the deployment is considered failed on all descendants of the block.
- The lockinontimeout boolean if set to true, will transition state to LOCKED_IN at timeout if not already LOCKED_IN or ACTIVE.
The following guidelines are suggested for selecting these parameters for a soft fork:
- name should be selected such that no two softforks, concurrent or otherwise, ever use the same name.
- bit should be selected such that no two concurrent softforks use the same bit.
- starttime should be set to some date in the future, approximately one month after a software release date including the soft fork. This allows for some release delays, while preventing triggers as a result of parties running pre-release software.
- timeout should be 1 year (31536000 seconds) after starttime.
- lockinontimeout should be set to true for any softfork that isn't exclusively for miner benefit.
With each block and soft fork, we associate a deployment state. The possible states are:
- DEFINED is the first state that each soft fork starts out as. The genesis block is by definition in this state for each deployment.
- STARTED for blocks past the starttime.
- LOCKED_IN for one retarget period after the first retarget period with STARTED blocks of which at least threshold have the associated bit set in nVersion, or for one retarget period after the timeout when lockinontimeout is true.
- ACTIVE for all blocks after the LOCKED_IN retarget period.
- FAILED for all blocks after the timeout time, if LOCKED_IN was not reached and lockinontimeout is false.
The nVersion block header field is to be interpreted as a 32-bit little-endian integer (as present), and bits are selected within this integer as values (1 << N) where N is the bit number.
Blocks in the STARTED state get an nVersion whose bit position bit is set to 1. The top 3 bits of such blocks must be 001, so the range of actually possible nVersion values is [0x20000000...0x3FFFFFFF], inclusive.
Due to the constraints set by BIP 34, BIP 66 and BIP 65, we only have 0x7FFFFFFB possible nVersion values available. This restricts us to at most 30 independent deployments. By restricting the top 3 bits to 001 we get 29 out of those for the purposes of this proposal, and support two future upgrades for different mechanisms (top bits 010 and 011). When a block nVersion does not have top bits 001, it is treated as if all bits are 0 for the purposes of deployments.
Miners should continue setting the bit in LOCKED_IN phase so uptake is visible, though this has no effect on consensus rules.
The new consensus rules for each soft fork are enforced for each block that has ACTIVE state.
The genesis block has state DEFINED for each deployment, by definition.
State GetStateForBlock(block) { if (block.height == 0) { return DEFINED; }
All blocks within a retarget period have the same state. This means that if floor(block1.height / 2016) = floor(block2.height / 2016), they are guaranteed to have the same state for every deployment.
if ((block.height % 2016) != 0) { return GetStateForBlock(block.parent); }
Otherwise, the next state depends on the previous state:
switch (GetStateForBlock(GetAncestorAtHeight(block, block.height - 2016))) {
We remain in the initial state until either we pass the start time or the timeout. GetMedianTimePast in the code below refers to the median nTime of a block and its 10 predecessors. The expression GetMedianTimePast(block.parent) is referred to as MTP in the diagram above, and is treated as a monotonic clock defined by the chain.
case DEFINED: if (GetMedianTimePast(block.parent) >= timeout) { return (lockinontimeout == true) ? LOCKED_IN : FAILED; } if (GetMedianTimePast(block.parent) >= starttime) { return STARTED; } return DEFINED;
After a period in the STARTED state, if we're past the timeout, we switch to LOCKED_IN or FAILED. If not, we tally the bits set, and transition to LOCKED_IN if a sufficient number of blocks in the past period set the deployment bit in their version numbers. The threshold is ≥1916 blocks (95% of 2016), or ≥1512 for testnet (75% of 2016). The transition to FAILED takes precendence, as otherwise an ambiguity can arise. There could be two non-overlapping deployments on the same bit, where the first one transitions to LOCKED_IN while the other one simultaneously transitions to STARTED, which would mean both would demand setting the bit.
Note that a block's state never depends on its own nVersion; only on that of its ancestors.
case STARTED: if (GetMedianTimePast(block.parent) >= timeout) { return (lockinontimeout == true) ? LOCKED_IN : FAILED; } int count = 0; walk = block; for (i = 0; i < 2016; i++) { walk = walk.parent; if (walk.nVersion & 0xE0000000 == 0x20000000 && (walk.nVersion >> bit) & 1 == 1) { count++; } } if (count >= threshold) { return LOCKED_IN; } return STARTED;
After a retarget period of LOCKED_IN, we automatically transition to ACTIVE.
case LOCKED_IN: return ACTIVE;
And ACTIVE and FAILED are terminal states, which a deployment stays in once they're reached.
case ACTIVE: return ACTIVE;
case FAILED: return FAILED; } }
Implementation It should be noted that the states are maintained along block chain branches, but may need recomputation when a reorganization happens.
Given that the state for a specific block/deployment combination is completely determined by its ancestry before the current retarget period (i.e. up to and including its ancestor with height block.height - 1 - (block.height % 2016)), it is possible to implement the mechanism above efficiently and safely by caching the resulting state of every multiple-of-2016 block, indexed by its parent.
To support upgrade warnings, an extra "unknown upgrade" is tracked, using the "implicit bit" mask = (block.nVersion & ~expectedVersion) != 0. Mask will be non-zero whenever an unexpected bit is set in nVersion. Whenever LOCKED_IN for the unknown upgrade is detected, the software should warn loudly about the upcoming soft fork. It should warn even more loudly after the next retarget period (when the unknown upgrade is in the ACTIVE state).
BIP 8 is compatible with and reuses the GBT changes from BIP 9.
- The lockinontimeout flag is added. BIP 9 would only transition to the FAILED state when timeout was reached.
BIP8 and BIP9 deployments should not share concurrent active deployment bits. Nodes that only implement BIP9 will not activate a BIP8 soft fork if hashpower threshold is not reached by timeout, however, those nodes will still accept the blocks generated by activated nodes.
A living list of deployment proposals can be found here.
This document is dual licensed as BSD 3-clause, and Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.