This plugin gathers metrics from 389 Directory Server's backend. It is based on work made for Openldap Input Plugin.
Let suppose to have these trees:
dn: o=myorg,cn=en
dn: ou=myfirstdomain,o=myorg,cn=en
dn: uid=user1,ou=myfirstdomain,o=myorg,cn=en
dn: uid=user2,ou=myfirstdomain,o=myorg,cn=en
dn: ou=myseconddomain,o=myorg,cn=en
dn: uid=user1,ou=myseconddomain,o=myorg,cn=en
You need to track number of entries on each subtree of o=myorg,cn=en based on ou= path.
You could need to count all entries (objectClass=*)
or only ones returned by a filter.
# LDAP Count by Org plugin
# LDAP Host and post to query
host = "localhost"
port = 389
# ldaps, starttls, or no encryption. default is an empty string, disabling all encryption.
# note that port will likely need to be changed to 636 for ldaps
# valid options: "" | "starttls" | "ldaps"
tls = ""
# skip peer certificate verification. Default is false.
insecure_skip_verify = false
# Path to PEM-encoded Root certificate to use to verify server certificate
tls_ca = "/etc/ssl/certs.pem"
# dn/password to bind with. If bindDn is empty, an anonymous bind is performed.
bindDn = ""
bindPassword = ""
# Where to count metrics
# For instance ou=<metric_name>,o=myorg,c=en
# In searchBase look for "retAttr=*", then for each DN look for Filter and count results.
searchBase = "o=myorg,c=en"
retAttr = "ou"
filter = "(objectClass=*)"
You probably must define a bind with appropriate ACI.
server= # value from config
port= # value from config
base= # value from <searchBase> configuration attribute
$ telegraf-ldap_org -config ldap_org.conf -pollInterval 24h
2019-07-08T12:03:41Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.11.1
> ldap_org,base=o\=myorg\,c\=en,,port=389, myfirstdomain=2i,myseconddomain=1i 1562587461000000000