This plugin gathers metrics from 389 Directory Servers's cn=Monitor backend and cn=monitor,cn=${database},cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config for each indexes ans database files.
host = "localhost"
port = 389
# ldaps, starttls, or no encryption. default is an empty string, disabling all encryption.
# note that port will likely need to be changed to 636 for ldaps
# valid options: "" | "starttls" | "ldaps"
#protocol = ""
# skip peer certificate verification. Default is false.
insecure_skip_verify = false
# Path to PEM-encoded Root certificate to use to verify server certificate
tls_ca = "/etc/ssl/certs.pem"
# dn/password to bind with. If bindDn is empty, an anonymous bind is performed.
bindDn = ""
bindPassword = ""
## Gather dbname to monitor
# Comma separated list of db filename
# dbtomonitor = ["exampleDB"]
# If true, alldbmonitor monitors all db and overrides "dbtomonitor".
alldbmonitor = false
# Connections status monitor
status = false
All attributes are gathered based on this LDAP query:
Metric names are attributes name.
If dbtomonitor array is provided , it can gather metrics for each dbfilename like uniquemember, memberof, givename indexes.
If alldbmonitor = true
, dbtomonitor
will be overriden with all dbs currently installed in the Directory Server.
An 389DS 1.3.x server will provide these metrics:
- ds389
- tags:
- server
- port
- current
- start
- version
- tags:
- fields:
- currentconnections
- totalconnections
- threads
- currentconnectionsatmaxthreads
- maxthreadsperconnhits
- dtablesize
- readwaiters
- opsinitiated
- opscompleted
- entriessent
- bytessent
- anonymousbinds
- unauthbinds
- simpleauthbinds
- strongauthbinds
- bindsecurityerrors
- inops
- readops
- compareops
- addentryops
- removeentryops
- modifyentryops
- modifyrdnops
- listops
- searchops
- onelevelsearchops
- wholesubtreesearchops
- referrals
- chainings
- securityerrors
- errors
- connections
- connectionseq
- connectionsinmaxthreads
- connectionsmaxthreadscount
- bytesrecv
- bytessent
- entriesreturned
- referralsreturned
- masterentries
- copyentries
- cacheentries
- cachehits
- slavehits
- currenttime
- starttime
- nbackends
If you enable the Connection status (status = true) a full connection status detail will be added to the metrics. The idea is to monitor all metrics provided by the 389 Console.
If status = true
the connection
attribute will be parsed in this metric:
- the metric prefix is "conn."
- the file descriptor is then added to the metric name
- the name of the monitored parameter is then concatenated with a dot
conn.<fd>.<param> = <value>
- server= # value from config
- port= # value from config
- version= # value from cn=monitor version attribute
- current= # time of measures
- start= # instance start time
$ telegraf-ds389 -config ds389.conf -pollInterval 10s
> ds389,current=20211230141931Z,port=389,server=ldap01,start=20211025142043Z,version=389-Directory/\ B2019.037.1535 addentryops=0i,anonymousbinds=0i,bindsecurityerrors=3i,bytesrecv=0i,bytessent=190256225i,cacheentries=0i,cachehits=0i,chainings=0i,compareops=0i,conn.64.binddn="NULLDN",conn.64.ip="",conn.64.opentime="20190704223412Z",conn.64.opscompleted=1i,conn.64.opsinitiated=1i,"-",conn.65.binddn="NULLDN",conn.65.ip="",conn.65.opentime="20190704223412Z",conn.65.opscompleted=1i,conn.65.opsinitiated=1i,"-",connections=6i,connectionseq=86840i,connectionsinmaxthreads=0i,connectionsmaxthreadscount=0i,copyentries=0i,currentconnections=6i,currentconnectionsatmaxthreads=0i,dtablesize=1024i,entriesreturned=259120i,entriessent=259120i,errors=255i,inops=306715i,listops=0i,masterentries=0i,maxthreadsperconnhits=0i,modifyentryops=11i,modifyrdnops=0i,onelevelsearchops=118i,opscompleted=306714i,opsinitiated=306715i,readops=0i,readwaiters=0i,referrals=0i,referralsreturned=0i,removeentryops=0i,searchops=117848i,securityerrors=0i,simpleauthbinds=86815i,slavehits=0i,strongauthbinds=0i,totalconnections=86840i,unauthbinds=3i,wholesubtreesearchops=113152i 1554566915000000000