package App::Ack::Plugin::Basic; =head1 SYNOPSIS Container for the Repository and Resources necessary. =cut package App::Ack::Resource::Basic; =head1 App::Ack::Resource::Basic =cut use warnings; use strict; use App::Ack; use App::Ack::Resource; our @ISA = qw( App::Ack::Resource ); =head1 METHODS =head2 new( $filename ) Opens the file specified by I<$filename> and returns a filehandle and a flag that says whether it could be binary. If there's a failure, it throws a warning and returns an empty list. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $filename = shift; my $self = bless { filename => $filename, fh => undef, could_be_binary => undef, opened => undef, id => undef, }, $class; if ( $self->{filename} eq '-' ) { $self->{fh} = *STDIN; $self->{could_be_binary} = 0; } else { if ( !open( $self->{fh}, '<', $self->{filename} ) ) { App::Ack::warn( "$self->{filename}: $!" ); return; } $self->{could_be_binary} = 1; } return $self; } =head2 $res->name() Returns the name of the resource. =cut sub name { my $self = shift; return $self->{filename}; } =head2 $res->is_binary() Tells whether the resource is binary. If it is, and ack finds a match in the file, then ack will not try to display a match line. =cut sub is_binary { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{could_be_binary} ) { return -B $self->{filename}; } return 0; } =head2 $res->needs_line_scan( \%opts ) API: Tells if the resource needs a line-by-line scan. This is a big optimization because if you can tell from the outset that the pattern is not found in the resource at all, then there's no need to do the line-by-line iteration. If in doubt, return true. Base: Slurp up an entire file up to 100K, see if there are any matches in it, and if so, let us know so we can iterate over it directly. If it's bigger than 100K or the match is inverted, we have to do the line-by-line, too. =cut sub needs_line_scan { my $self = shift; my $opt = shift; return 1 if $opt->{v}; my $size = -s $self->{fh}; if ( $size == 0 ) { return 0; } elsif ( $size > 100_000 ) { return 1; } my $buffer; my $rc = sysread( $self->{fh}, $buffer, $size ); if ( not defined $rc ) { App::Ack::warn( "$self->{filename}: $!" ); return 1; } return 0 unless $rc && ( $rc == $size ); my $regex = $opt->{regex}; return $buffer =~ /$regex/m; } =head2 $res->reset() Resets the resource back to the beginning. This is only called if C<needs_line_scan()> is true, but not always if C<needs_line_scan()> is true. =cut sub reset { my $self = shift; seek( $self->{fh}, 0, 0 ) or App::Ack::warn( "$self->{filename}: $!" ); return; } =head2 $res->next_text() API: Gets the next line of text from the resource. Returns true if there is one, or false if not. Sets C<$_> with the line of text, and C<$.> for the ID number of the text. This basically emulates a call to C<< <$fh> >>. =cut sub next_text { if ( defined ($_ = readline $_[0]->{fh}) ) { $. = ++$_[0]->{line}; return 1; } return; } =head2 $res->close() API: Close the resource. =cut sub close { my $self = shift; if ( not close $self->{fh} ) { App::Ack::warn( $self->name() . ": $!" ); } return; } package App::Ack::Repository::Basic; =head1 App::Ack::Repository::Basic =cut our @ISA = qw( App::Ack::Repository ); use warnings; use strict; sub new { my $class = shift; my $filename = shift; my $self = bless { filename => $filename, nexted => 0, }, $class; return $self; } =head2 next_resource Returns a resource object for the next resource in the repository. =cut sub next_resource { my $self = shift; return if $self->{nexted}; $self->{nexted} = 1; return App::Ack::Resource::Basic->new( $self->{filename} ); } =head2 close Does nothing. For the base repository, the opening & closing are handled at the resource level. If this repository were, say, an Excel workbook, you'd probably close the file. If it were a database, you'd close the database connection. =cut sub close { } 1;