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654 lines (557 loc) · 22.2 KB

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654 lines (557 loc) · 22.2 KB

Getting Started

⚠️ Assumes a local PreProduction Testnet node running locally and cardano-cli installed since it is used to actually build and sign transactions.

Template bash scripts that follow these steps are available here.

When integration testing, it is highly recommended that you change the string passed to the mkBeaconPolicy function here. When developers make mistakes (myself included), it can create bad/locked utxos that will appear when you query the beacons. This can complicate your own testing. To avoid this, this extra parameter was added. Change the string to something unique to you. You should remember to change it to the desired string for mainnet.

Make this change before building the executable in the next section.

The cardano-secondary-market CLI uses the Blockfrost API endpoints for the Preproduction Testnet (Koios does not have endpoints for the Preproduction Testnet). You will need an api key to query the beacon tokens. You can go here to get one for free; only an email address is required.

If a specific beacon token has never been minted before, querying the Blockfrost endpoints will return "The requested component has not been found." This is due to the beacon name being part of the Blockfrost api url like:{beacon_name}/addresses

If the beacon has not been minted before, this URL does not exist yet. Once the beacon is minted, the URL is generated. If the beacons have been minted before but there are currently no beacons in circulation, then the API will return an empty list.

Table of Contents



Install the necessary packages - similar to cardano-node

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake build-essential curl g++ git jq libffi-dev libgmp-dev libncursesw5 libssl-dev libsystemd-dev libtinfo-dev libtool make pkg-config wget zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev libpq-dev

Install libsodium and scep256k1

git clone
cd libsodium
git checkout dbb48cc
sudo make install

cd ../
git clone
cd secp256k1
git checkout ac83be33
./configure --enable-module-schnorrsig --enable-experimental
make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Add the following lines to your $HOME/.bashrc file:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"

Install GHC 8.10.7 and cabal

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Make sure to install the required packages it mentions before hitting ENTER.

Prepend or append the required PATH variable.

You do not need to install the haskell-langauge-server.

You do not need to install stack.

Press ENTER to proceed.

source .bashrc
ghcup install ghc 8.10.7
ghcup set ghc 8.10.7

Build the executable

git clone
cd cardano-secondary-market
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build all

The cardano-secondary-market CLI program should now be at dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/cardano-secondary-market- Move the program to somewhere in your $PATH.

All cardano-secondary-market subcommands have an associated --help option. The functionality is meant to feel like cardano-cli.

Using Nix

The Nix Package Manager can be installed on most Linux distributions by downloading and running the installation script

curl -L >
chmod +x

and following the directions.

Configuring the Binary Caches

While this step is optional, it can save several hours of time since nix will need a copy of every necessary package. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do this.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/nix
cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/nix/nix.conf
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
allow-import-from-derivation = true
substituters =
trusted-public-keys = loony-tools:pr9m4BkM/5/eSTZlkQyRt57Jz7OMBxNSUiMC4FkcNfk=

The caches used here come from the plutus-apps contributing doc.

You will need to restart the nix service in order to make sure that it uses the newly configured caches. A sure fire way to do this is restart your machine.

Building the Executable

git clone
git clone
cd plutus-apps
git checkout 68c3721
nix develop # This step can take an hour even with the caches configured
# Set accept-flake-config to true and permanently mark the value as trusted

The last command should drop you into a nix terminal once it is finished running. Execute the following within the nix terminal.

cd ../cardano-secondary-market
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build all

If all goes well, the cardano-secondary-market CLI program should now be at dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/cardano-secondary-market- Move the program to somewhere in your $PATH.

You can now exit the nix terminal with exit.

All cardano-secondary-market subcommands have an associated --help option. The functionality is meant to feel like cardano-cli.

Troubleshooting Nix

If you encounter a libsodium error, you may need to first install libsodium separately. While not inside the nix terminal (you can leave with exit), execute the following:

cd # return to your home directory
git clone
cd libsodium
git checkout dbb48cc
sudo make install

Once installed, you can retry the build after exporting the following variables while inside the nix terminal:

cd ../plutus-apps
nix develop # This should only take a minute this time
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
cabal build all

Minting test tokens

An always succeeding minting policy as well as the required redeemer are included here. In that directory is also the template bash script that uses them. These can be used to create as many native tokens as needed to test this lending dApp.

Address Conversions

Since plutus smart contracts do not use bech32 encoded addresses while cardano-cli does, addresses will need to be converted as necessary. To make this as painless as possible, cardano-secondary-market is capable of doing these conversions for you. It uses cardano-addresses under the hood.

Hashes to Bech32

cardano-secondary-market convert-address \
  --payment-pubkey-hash ae0d001455a855e6c00f98fa9061028f5c00d297926383bc501be2d2 \
  --staking-pubkey-hash 623a2b9a369454b382c131d7e3d12c4f93024022e5c5668cf0c5c25c \

If the address does not have a staking credential, those fields can be omitted. All Bech32 addresses generated with this command will be for the Preproduction testnet.

Bech32 to Hashes

cardano-secondary-market convert-address \
  --address addr_test1vrlfp27zjnjlsak5f7dnjkpl9ekeq5ezc3e4uw769y5rgtc4qvv2f \

This will result in the following output when piped to jq:

  "network_tag": 0,
  "payment_pubkey_hash": "fe90abc294e5f876d44f9b39583f2e6d905322c4735e3bda2928342f",
  "payment_script_hash": null,
  "staking_pubkey_hash": null,
  "staking_script_hash": null

The network_tag of 0 corresponds to the Preproduction testnet (1 would be Mainnet). This address uses a spending pubkey and has no staking credential.

Calculate Credential Hashes

These commands can also save to a variable by omitting the --out-file field.

Calculate the hash of a payment pubkey

cardano-cli address key-hash \
  --payment-verification-key-file ownerPayment.vkey \
  --out-file ownerPayment.pkh

Calculate the hash of a staking pubkey

cardano-cli stake-address key-hash \
  --stake-verification-key-file ownerStake.vkey \
  --out-file ownerStake.pkh

Calculate the hash of a script (payment, minting, or staking)

cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file script.plutus \
  --out-file script.h

Create a new Sale

This example uses a pubkey for the owner's staking credential.

Export the scripts

cardano-secondary-market export-script market-script \
  --out-file marketplace.plutus

cardano-secondary-market export-script beacon-policy \
  --nft-policy-id c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d \
  --out-file beacons.plutus

The beacon policy required is dependent on the policy id of the NFT being sold. Make sure you use the correct policy id. The transaction will fail if the wrong beacon policy is used.

Create the owner's marketplace address

cardano-cli address build \
  --payment-script-file marketplace.plutus \
  --stake-verification-key-file ownerStake.vkey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file market.addr

Calculate the beacon policy id

beaconPolicyId=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file beacons.plutus)

Create the minting redeemer

cardano-secondary-market beacon-redeemer \
  --mint-sale \
  --out-file mintSale.json

Create the Sale datum

You will need the hashes of the owner's payToAddress.

cardano-secondary-market market-datum \
  --beacon-policy-id $beaconPolicyId \
  --nft-policy-id c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d \
  --nft-token-name 4f74686572546f6b656e0a \
  --desired-asset-is-lovelace \
  --desired-amount 10000000 \
  --payment-pubkey-hash "$(cat ownerPayment.pkh) \
  --staking-pubkey-hash "$(cat ownerStake.pkh) \
  --out-file saleTerms.json

This datum says the NFT is on sale for 10 ADA.

Create and submit the transaction


cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <utxo_with_nft_and_fee> \
  --tx-out "$(cat market.addr) + 3000000 lovelace + 1 c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a + 1 ${saleBeacon}" \
  --tx-out-inline-datum-file saleTerms.json \
  --mint "1 ${saleBeacon}" \
  --mint-script-file beacons.plutus \
  --mint-redeemer-file mintSale.json \
  --change-address "$(cat owner.addr)" \
  --tx-in-collateral <collateral_utxo> \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
  --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.body \
  --signing-key-file ownerPayment.skey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --tx-file tx.signed

Update a Sale

This allows the seller to change the terms of a sale. All sales must be updated in separate transactions to guarantee that each sale will have a unique transaction hash.

The beacon policy is not executed but is usefull for getting the beacon policy id. If you already know the beacon policy id, the beacon policy steps (exporting and calculating the policy id) can be omitted.

Export the scripts

cardano-secondary-market export-script market-script \
  --out-file marketplace.plutus

cardano-secondary-market export-script beacon-policy \
  --nft-policy-id c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d \
  --out-file beacons.plutus

The beacon policy required is dependent on the policy id of the NFT being sold. Make sure you use the correct policy id. The transaction will fail if the wrong beacon policy is used.

Calculate the beacon policy id

beaconPolicyId=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file beacons.plutus)

Create the new Sale datum

cardano-secondary-market market-datum \
  --beacon-policy-id $beaconPolicyId \
  --nft-policy-id c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d \
  --nft-token-name 4f74686572546f6b656e0a \
  --desired-asset-is-lovelace \
  --desired-amount 20000000 \
  --payment-pubkey-hash "$(cat ownerPayment.pkh) \
  --staking-pubkey-hash "$(cat ownerStake.pkh) \
  --out-file saleTerms.json

The beacon policy id, and the nft policy id and token name must remain the same. However, the rest of the fields can be changed. The transaction will fail if the you change a field that should not be changed.

Create the spending redeemer

cardano-secondary-market market-redeemer \
  --update \
  --out-file update.json

Create and submit the transaction


cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <utxo_with_fee> \
  --tx-in <sale_utxo> \
  --tx-in-script-file marketplace.plutus \
  --tx-in-inline-datum-present \
  --tx-in-redeemer-file update.json \
  --tx-out "$(cat market.addr) + 3000000 lovelace + 1 c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a + 1 ${saleBeacon}" \
  --tx-out-inline-datum-file saleTerms.json \
  --required-signer-hash ownerStake.pkh \
  --change-address "$(cat owner.addr)" \
  --tx-in-collateral <collateral_utxo> \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
  --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.body \
  --signing-key-file ownerPayment.skey \
  --signing-key-file ownerStake.skey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --tx-file tx.signed

Close a Sale

Export the scripts

cardano-secondary-market export-script market-script \
  --out-file marketplace.plutus

cardano-secondary-market export-script beacon-policy \
  --nft-policy-id c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d \
  --out-file beacons.plutus

The beacon policy required is dependent on the policy id of the NFT being sold. Make sure you use the correct policy id. The transaction will fail if the wrong beacon policy is used.

Calculate the beacon policy id

beaconPolicyId=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file beacons.plutus)

Create the spending redeemer

cardano-secondary-market market-redeemer \
  --close \
  --out-file close.json

Create the burn redeemer

cardano-secondary-market beacon-redeemer \
  --burn \
  --out-file burn.json

Create and submit the transaction


cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <utxo_for_fee> \
  --tx-in <sale_utxo> \
  --tx-in-script-file marketplace.plutus \
  --tx-in-inline-datum-present \
  --tx-in-redeemer-file close.json \
  --tx-out "$(cat owner.addr) + 3000000 lovelace + 1 c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a" \
  --mint "-1 ${saleBeacon}" \
  --mint-script-file beacons.plutus \
  --mint-redeemer-file burn.json \
  --required-signer-hash "$(cat ownerStake.pkh) \
  --change-address "$(cat owner.addr)" \
  --tx-in-collateral <collateral_utxo> \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
  --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.body \
  --signing-key-file ownerPayment.skey \
  --signing-key-file ownerStake.skey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --tx-file tx.signed

Query your own Sales for a given policy id

cardano-secondary-market query own-sales \
  --address $(cat market.addr) \
  --preprod $(cat api.txt) \
  --beacon-policy-id a18b36e32e3fbb3f132dfd98f4e958539c28912d7e485768fd74c89e \

Here is an example response when piped to jq:

    "output_index": "0",
    "sale_info": {
      "beacon_symbol": "a18b36e32e3fbb3f132dfd98f4e958539c28912d7e485768fd74c89e",
      "nft_for_sale": "c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a",
      "pay_to_address_payment_pubkey_hash": "fe90abc294e5f876d44f9b39583f2e6d905322c4735e3bda2928342f",
      "pay_to_address_payment_script_hash": null,
      "pay_to_address_staking_pubkey_hash": null,
      "pay_to_address_staking_script_hash": null,
      "sale_price": {
        "amount": 10000000,
        "asset": "lovelace"
    "tx_hash": "2fa45e5d847911809ff557e39fd063ddeeace5a8489a44fb7156b65fa41168af",
    "utxo_assets": [
        "asset": "lovelace",
        "quantity": 3000000
        "asset": "a18b36e32e3fbb3f132dfd98f4e958539c28912d7e485768fd74c89e.53616c65",
        "quantity": 1
        "asset": "c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a",
        "quantity": 1

Query all Sales for a given policy id

cardano-secondary-market query all-sales \
  --preprod $(cat api.txt) \
  --beacon-policy-id a18b36e32e3fbb3f132dfd98f4e958539c28912d7e485768fd74c89e \

Here is an example response when piped to jq:

    "output_index": "0",
    "sale_info": {
      "beacon_symbol": "a18b36e32e3fbb3f132dfd98f4e958539c28912d7e485768fd74c89e",
      "nft_for_sale": "c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a",
      "pay_to_address_payment_pubkey_hash": "fe90abc294e5f876d44f9b39583f2e6d905322c4735e3bda2928342f",
      "pay_to_address_payment_script_hash": null,
      "pay_to_address_staking_pubkey_hash": null,
      "pay_to_address_staking_script_hash": null,
      "sale_price": {
        "amount": 10000000,
        "asset": "lovelace"
    "tx_hash": "2fa45e5d847911809ff557e39fd063ddeeace5a8489a44fb7156b65fa41168af",
    "utxo_assets": [
        "asset": "lovelace",
        "quantity": 3000000
        "asset": "a18b36e32e3fbb3f132dfd98f4e958539c28912d7e485768fd74c89e.53616c65",
        "quantity": 1
        "asset": "c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a",
        "quantity": 1

Purchase an NFT

Export the scripts

cardano-secondary-market export-script market-script \
  --out-file marketplace.plutus

cardano-secondary-market export-script beacon-policy \
  --nft-policy-id c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d \
  --out-file beacons.plutus

The beacon policy required is dependent on the policy id of the NFT being sold. Make sure you use the correct policy id. The transaction will fail if the wrong beacon policy is used.

Calculate the beacon policy id

beaconPolicyId=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid \
  --script-file beacons.plutus)

Create the spending redeemer

cardano-secondary-market market-redeemer \
  --purchase \
  --out-file purchase.json

Create the minting redeemer

cardano-secondary-market beacon-redeemer \
  --mint-receipt \
  --out-file mintReceipt.json

Convert the address in the datum to bech32

paymentAddr=$(cardano-secondary-market convert-address \
  --payment-pubkey-hash fe90abc294e5f876d44f9b39583f2e6d905322c4735e3bda2928342f \

Create and submit the transaction


cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build \
  --tx-in <utxo_for_fee_and_payment> \
  --tx-in 2fa45e5d847911809ff557e39fd063ddeeace5a8489a44fb7156b65fa41168af#0 \
  --tx-in-script-file marketplace.plutus \
  --tx-in-inline-datum-present \
  --tx-in-redeemer-file purchase.json \
  --tx-out "$(cat buyer.addr) + 3000000 lovelace + 1 c0f8644a01a6bf5db02f4afe30d604975e63dd274f1098a1738e561d.4f74686572546f6b656e0a" \
  --tx-out "${paymentAddr} + 13000000 lovelace + 1 ${receiptToken}" \
  --mint "-1 ${saleBeacon} + 1 ${receiptToken}" \
  --mint-script-file beacons.plutus \
  --mint-redeemer-file mintReceipt.json \
  --change-address "$(cat buyer.addr)" \
  --tx-in-collateral <collateral_utxo> \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --protocol-params-file protocol.json \
  --out-file tx.body

cardano-cli transaction sign \
  --tx-body-file tx.body \
  --signing-key-file buyer.skey \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --out-file tx.signed

cardano-cli transaction submit \
  --testnet-magic 1 \
  --tx-file tx.signed

You are able to buy multiple NFTs in one transaction. If you do, make sure to properly match the receiptToken with the required payment; the policy id of the receipt tokens must match their corresponding Sale beacon. The transaction will fail if the payment outputs are not exactly what the script expects. The payment output should always be:

3 ADA + purchase amount + 1 receipt token with the proper policy id and token name

The 3 ADA is the seller's minimum UTxO deposit that you are returning to them.

It is possible to buy multiple NFTs in one transaction even if those NFTs do not share a policy id. You must use all required beacon policies if you create a transaction like this.

Burning receipt tokens

Burning receipt tokens is always allowed with the burn redeemer. All that is needed is the beacon policy and the burn redeemer.