The am of this project is to turn the Raspberry Pi into a simple to use stream and recording station using off the shelf compontents and custom software.
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We recommend adding a LCD-display as it used to show status information and most importantly the current IP-address of the machine. It is certainly also possible to get hold of the IP-address in other, slighty more complicated, ways.
We built an enclosure to shelter the computer, the display and the cables.
We use this 16x2 LCD kit from
- Install spacer
I glued a piece of wood with the approximate size of the Raspberry to the bottom of the enclosure.
- Adding holes
Cut holes in the side of the enclosure so the connectors fit.
- Cover for the connectors
To protect the board and the display cut out covers and glue them onto the enclosure.
- Attach computer
Screw the board onto the spacer. Connect the cables from the outside.