Last Modified: 2024-11-09
AlphaFold 3 can help you accelerate scientific research by predicting the 3D structure of biological molecules. Google makes the AlphaFold Assets available free of charge for certain non-commercial uses in accordance with the restrictions set out below. This policy uses the same defined terms as the AlphaFold 3 Model Parameters Terms of Use.
You must not access or use nor allow others to access or use the the AlphaFold 3 Assets:
On behalf of a commercial organization or in connection with any commercial activities, including research on behalf of commercial organizations.
This means that only non-commercial organizations (i.e., universities, non-profit organizations and research institutes, educational, journalism and government bodies) may use the AlphaFold 3 Assets for their non-commercial activities. The AlphaFold 3 Assets are not available for any other types of organization, even if conducting non-commercial work.
If you are a researcher affiliated with a non-commercial organization, provided you are not a commercial organisation or acting on behalf of a commercial organisation, you can use the AlphaFold 3 Assets for your non-commercial affiliated research.
You must not share the AlphaFold 3 Assets with any commercial organization or use the AlphaFold 3 Assets in a manner that will grant a commercial organization any rights in these. The only exception is making Output publicly available (including indirectly to commercial organizations) via a scientific publication or open source release or using it to support journalism, each of which is permitted.
To misinform, misrepresent or mislead, including:
providing false or inaccurate information in relation to your access to or use of AlphaFold 3 or Output, including accessing or using the Model Parameters on behalf of an organization without telling us or submitting a request to access the Model Parameters where Google has prohibited your use of AlphaFold 3 in full or in part (including as made available via AlphaFold Server);
misrepresenting your relationship with us, including by using Google’s trademarks, trade names, logos or suggesting endorsement by Google without Google’s permission to do so - nothing in the Terms grants such permission;
misrepresenting the origin of AlphaFold 3 in full or in part;
distributing misleading claims of expertise or capability, or engaging in the unauthorized or unlicensed practice of any profession, particularly in sensitive areas (e.g., health); or
to make decisions in domains that affect material or individual rights or well-being (e.g., healthcare).
To perform, promote or facilitate dangerous, illegal or malicious activities, including:
promoting or facilitating the sale of, or providing instructions for synthesizing or accessing, illegal substances, goods or services;
abusing, harming, interfering, or disrupting any services, including generating or distributing content for deceptive or fraudulent activities or malware;
generating or distributing any content, including Output, that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any individual's or entity's rights (including, but not limited to rights in copyrighted content); or
attempting to circumvent, or intentionally causing (directly or indirectly) AlphaFold 3 to act in a manner that contravenes the Terms.
You must not nor allow others to:
Use Output to train or create machine learning models or related technology for biomolecular structure prediction similar to AlphaFold 3 ("Derived Models"), including via distillation or other methods. For the avoidance of doubt, the use restrictions set out in the Terms would apply in full to any Derived Models created in breach of the Terms.
Distribute Output without providing conspicuous notice that what you Distribute is provided under and subject to the AlphaFold 3 Output Terms of Use and of any modifications you make.
This means if you remove, or cause to be removed (for example by using third-party software), the notices and terms we provide when you generate Output using AlphaFold 3, you must ensure any further Distribution of Output is accompanied by a copy of the AlphaFold 3 Output Terms of Use and a "Legally Binding Terms of Use" text file that contains the following notice:
"By using this information, you agree to AlphaFold 3 Output Terms of Use found at
To request access to the AlphaFold 3 model parameters, follow the process set out at You may only use these if received directly from Google. Use is subject to terms of use available at"
You must not include any additional or different terms that conflict with the AlphaFold 3 Output Terms of Use.
Distribute Output, or disclose findings arising from using AlphaFold 3 without citing our paper: Abramson, J et al. Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3. Nature (2024). For the avoidance of doubt, this is an additional requirement to the notice requirements set out above.
Circumvent access restrictions relating to the Model Parameters, including utilising, sharing or making available the Model Parameters when you have not been expressly authorized to do so by Google. Google will grant access to the Model Parameters to either:
you for your individual use on behalf of your organization, in which case you cannot share your copy of Model Parameters with anyone else; or
an authorized representative of your organization, with full legal authority to bind that organization to these Terms in which case you may share that organization’s copy of the Model Parameters with employees, consultants, contractors and agents of the organization as authorized by that representative.