It turns this:
users | select: id name | where: id = 3
Into this:
SELECT id, name
FROM users
WHERE id = 3
... and I plan on making it more powerful.
This project was inspired by Ahmad Nazir's Pine, which I used a lot before writing this project.
- You'll need to install cargo.
- Run
cargo build --release
- Create a context
./target/release/pine create-context \
--host <hostname> \
--port <port> \
--default-database <db name> \
--username <username> \
<name your context>
- Use/enable the context
./target/release/pine use-context <your context name>
- Run the
command so the tools knows learns the db structure
./target/release/pine analyze
You will be asked to pick which tables you want analyzed.
- Translate your first pine
./target/release/pine translate "users email=''"
I use this tool with vim, here's how. Let's say I have this pine I want to run:
users | userPreferences
- With the cursor on that it, I enter visual line mode (Esc, V), this selects the entire line.
- I hit my magic key-bind:
" This is how I set it up.
" This is ctr+p, it prints results in a table.
:vmap <C-P><C-P> :'<,'>! /Users/fabianbadoi/projects/personal/rusty-pine/scripts/stdin-to-query '' <CR><CR><Esc>k$
" This is ctr+l, it prints results as objects.
:vmap <C-L><C-L> :'<,'>! /Users/fabianbadoi/projects/personal/rusty-pine/scripts/stdin-to-query '' '\G'<CR><CR><Esc>k$
- I then get output like this.
users | userPreferences # <-- I keep editing this line, then hit the keybinding
users | userPreferences # <-- I have records of all the pines I ran, in case I want to go back to it
SELECT userPreferences.* # <-- Sometimes it's useful to see the query
FROM userPreferences
LEFT JOIN users ON = userPreferences.userId
< results here>
- you type less with rusty-pine
- writing pine is way easier than writing SQL
- rusty-pine figures things out for you
- if rusty-pine can do something, it will
- exploration focused
- write less, edit less, jump around less with rusty-pine