This experiment explores the benefits of migrating the execution of scientific applications to benefit from dynamic changes in the compute environment.
First, provision the cluster:
inv cluster.provision --vm Standard_D8_v5 --nodes 3 --name ${CLUSTER_NAME}
inv cluster.credentials --name ${CLUSTER_NAME}
Second, deploy the cluster
(faasm-exp-faabric) faasmctl deploy.k8s --workers 2
Second, upload the WASM files:
(faasm-exp-faabric) inv migration.wasm.upload
Third, run the experiments:
(faasm-exp-faabric) inv -w compute -w network
Lastly, plot the results:
(faasm-exp-faabric) inv migration.plot
and clean up:
(faasm-exp-faabric) faasmctl delete
As a sanity-check, and in order to evaluate the potential benefits of migrating, we can run an oracle to see what is the impact of distribution in the execution time of a simulation.