Twitter OpenAPI(Swagger) specification
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.0.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen
- Dart 2.15.0+ or Flutter 2.8.0+
- Dio 5.0.0+ (
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
twitter_openapi_dart_generated: 0.0.14
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/twitter_openapi_dart_generated
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:twitter_openapi_dart_generated/twitter_openapi_dart_generated.dart';
final api = TwitterOpenapiDartGenerated().getDefaultApi();
final String pathQueryId = X-Sw7rvhcUhof35mh5ObKw; // String |
final String variables = {"screen_name": "elonmusk"}; // String |
final String features = {}; // String |
try {
final response = await api.getProfileSpotlightsQuery(pathQueryId, variables, features);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->getProfileSpotlightsQuery: $e\n");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DefaultApi | getProfileSpotlightsQuery | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/ProfileSpotlightsQuery | |
DefaultApi | getTweetResultByRestId | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/TweetResultByRestId | |
OtherApi | other | GET /other | |
PostApi | postCreateRetweet | POST /graphql/{pathQueryId}/CreateRetweet | |
PostApi | postCreateTweet | POST /graphql/{pathQueryId}/CreateTweet | |
PostApi | postDeleteRetweet | POST /graphql/{pathQueryId}/DeleteRetweet | |
PostApi | postDeleteTweet | POST /graphql/{pathQueryId}/DeleteTweet | |
PostApi | postFavoriteTweet | POST /graphql/{pathQueryId}/FavoriteTweet | |
PostApi | postUnfavoriteTweet | POST /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UnfavoriteTweet | |
TweetApi | getBookmarks | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/Bookmarks | |
TweetApi | getHomeLatestTimeline | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/HomeLatestTimeline | |
TweetApi | getHomeTimeline | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/HomeTimeline | |
TweetApi | getLikes | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/Likes | |
TweetApi | getListLatestTweetsTimeline | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/ListLatestTweetsTimeline | |
TweetApi | getSearchTimeline | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/SearchTimeline | |
TweetApi | getTweetDetail | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/TweetDetail | |
TweetApi | getUserHighlightsTweets | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UserHighlightsTweets | |
TweetApi | getUserMedia | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UserMedia | |
TweetApi | getUserTweets | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UserTweets | |
TweetApi | getUserTweetsAndReplies | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UserTweetsAndReplies | |
UserApi | getUserByRestId | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UserByRestId | |
UserApi | getUserByScreenName | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UserByScreenName | |
UserListApi | getFavoriters | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/Favoriters | |
UserListApi | getFollowers | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/Followers | |
UserListApi | getFollowersYouKnow | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/FollowersYouKnow | |
UserListApi | getFollowing | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/Following | |
UserListApi | getRetweeters | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/Retweeters | |
UsersApi | getUsersByRestIds | GET /graphql/{pathQueryId}/UsersByRestIds | |
V11GetApi | getFriendsFollowingList | GET /1.1/friends/following/list.json | |
V11GetApi | getSearchTypeahead | GET /1.1/search/typeahead.json | |
V11PostApi | postCreateFriendships | POST /1.1/friendships/create.json | |
V11PostApi | postDestroyFriendships | POST /1.1/friendships/destroy.json | |
V20GetApi | getSearchAdaptive | GET /2/search/adaptive.json |
- AdditionalMediaInfo
- AdditionalMediaInfoCallToActions
- AdditionalMediaInfoCallToActionsUrl
- AuthorCommunityRelationship
- BirdwatchEntity
- BirdwatchEntityRef
- BirdwatchPivot
- BirdwatchPivotCallToAction
- BirdwatchPivotFooter
- BirdwatchPivotNote
- BirdwatchPivotSubtitle
- BookmarksResponse
- BookmarksResponseData
- BookmarksTimeline
- Callback
- ClientEventInfo
- CommunitiesActions
- Community
- CommunityActions
- CommunityData
- CommunityDeleteActionResult
- CommunityInvitesResult
- CommunityJoinActionResult
- CommunityJoinRequestsResult
- CommunityLeaveActionResult
- CommunityPinActionResult
- CommunityRule
- CommunityUrls
- CommunityUrlsPermalink
- ContentEntryType
- ContentItemType
- ContentUnion
- CoverCta
- CreateRetweet
- CreateRetweetResponse
- CreateRetweetResponseData
- CreateRetweetResponseResult
- CreateTweet
- CreateTweetResponse
- CreateTweetResponseData
- CreateTweetResponseResult
- CtaClientEventInfo
- CursorType
- DeleteRetweet
- DeleteRetweetResponse
- DeleteRetweetResponseData
- DeleteRetweetResponseResult
- DeleteTweetResponse
- DeleteTweetResponseData
- DeleteTweetResponseResult
- DisplayTreatment
- DisplayType
- Entities
- Error
- ErrorExtensions
- ErrorResponse
- Errors
- ExtMediaAvailability
- ExtendedEntities
- Extensions
- FavoriteTweet
- FavoriteTweetResponseData
- FeedbackInfo
- FollowResponse
- FollowResponseData
- FollowResponseResult
- FollowResponseUser
- FollowTimeline
- Highlight
- HomeTimelineHome
- HomeTimelineResponseData
- InstructionType
- InstructionUnion
- ItemContentUnion
- ItemResult
- ListLatestTweetsTimelineResponse
- ListTweetsTimeline
- ListTweetsTimelineData
- ListTweetsTimelineList
- Location
- Media
- MediaExtended
- MediaOriginalInfo
- MediaOriginalInfoFocusRect
- MediaSize
- MediaSizes
- MediaStats
- MediaVideoInfo
- MediaVideoInfoVariant
- ModuleEntry
- ModuleItem
- NoteTweet
- NoteTweetResult
- NoteTweetResultData
- NoteTweetResultMedia
- NoteTweetResultMediaInlineMedia
- NoteTweetResultRichText
- NoteTweetResultRichTextTag
- OneFactorLoginEligibility
- Other200Response
- OtherResponse
- PostCreateRetweetRequest
- PostCreateRetweetRequestVariables
- PostCreateTweetRequest
- PostCreateTweetRequestFeatures
- PostCreateTweetRequestVariables
- PostCreateTweetRequestVariablesMedia
- PostCreateTweetRequestVariablesMediaMediaEntitiesInner
- PostCreateTweetRequestVariablesReply
- PostDeleteRetweetRequest
- PostDeleteRetweetRequestVariables
- PostDeleteTweetRequest
- PostFavoriteTweetRequest
- PostUnfavoriteTweetRequest
- PrimaryCommunityTopic
- ProfileResponse
- ProfileResponseData
- QuotedRefResult
- QuotedStatusPermalink
- Retweet
- RetweetLegacy
- SearchByRawQuery
- SearchTimeline
- SearchTimelineData
- SearchTimelineResponse
- SelfThread
- SensitiveMediaWarning
- Session
- SocialContextLandingUrl
- SocialContextUnion
- SocialContextUnionType
- SuperFollowsReplyUserResult
- SuperFollowsReplyUserResultData
- SuperFollowsReplyUserResultLegacy
- Text
- TextEntity
- TextEntityRef
- TextHighlight
- Timeline
- TimelineAddEntries
- TimelineAddEntry
- TimelineAddToModule
- TimelineClearCache
- TimelineCommunity
- TimelineCoverBehavior
- TimelineGeneralContext
- TimelineHalfCover
- TimelineMessagePrompt
- TimelinePinEntry
- TimelinePrompt
- TimelineReplaceEntry
- TimelineResponse
- TimelineShowAlert
- TimelineShowAlertRichText
- TimelineShowCover
- TimelineTerminateTimeline
- TimelineTimelineCursor
- TimelineTimelineItem
- TimelineTimelineModule
- TimelineTopicContext
- TimelineTweet
- TimelineUser
- TimelineV2
- Timestamp
- TopicContext
- Tracing
- Tweet
- TweetCard
- TweetCardLegacy
- TweetCardLegacyBindingValue
- TweetCardLegacyBindingValueData
- TweetCardLegacyBindingValueDataImage
- TweetCardPlatform
- TweetCardPlatformAudience
- TweetCardPlatformData
- TweetCardPlatformDevice
- TweetDetailResponse
- TweetDetailResponseData
- TweetEditControl
- TweetEditControlInitial
- TweetEditPrespective
- TweetFavoritersResponse
- TweetFavoritersResponseData
- TweetInterstitial
- TweetInterstitialRevealText
- TweetInterstitialText
- TweetInterstitialTextEntity
- TweetInterstitialTextEntityRef
- TweetLegacy
- TweetLegacyScopes
- TweetPreviousCounts
- TweetResultByRestIdData
- TweetResultByRestIdResponse
- TweetRetweetersResponse
- TweetRetweetersResponseData
- TweetTombstone
- TweetUnion
- TweetView
- TweetWithVisibilityResults
- TypeName
- UnfavoriteTweet
- UnfavoriteTweetResponseData
- UnifiedCard
- Url
- UrtEndpointOptions
- UrtEndpointRequestParams
- User
- UserFeatures
- UserHighlightsInfo
- UserHighlightsTweetsData
- UserHighlightsTweetsResponse
- UserHighlightsTweetsResult
- UserHighlightsTweetsTimeline
- UserHighlightsTweetsUser
- UserLegacy
- UserProfessional
- UserProfessionalCategory
- UserResponse
- UserResponseData
- UserResultByScreenName
- UserResultByScreenNameLegacy
- UserResultByScreenNameResult
- UserResultCore
- UserResults
- UserTweetsData
- UserTweetsResponse
- UserTweetsResult
- UserTweetsUser
- UserUnavailable
- UserUnion
- UserValue
- UserVerificationInfo
- UserVerificationInfoReason
- UserVerificationInfoReasonDescription
- UserVerificationInfoReasonDescriptionEntities
- UserVerificationInfoReasonDescriptionEntitiesRef
- UsersResponse
- UsersResponseData
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Accept
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Accept-Encoding
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Accept-Language
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-twitter-active-user
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-twitter-auth-type
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Cache-Control
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-twitter-client-language
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: auth_token
- Location:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: ct0
- Location:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-csrf-token
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-guest-token
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Pragma
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Sec-Ch-Ua
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Sec-Fetch-Dest
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Sec-Fetch-Mode
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Sec-Fetch-Site
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: user-agent
- Location: HTTP header