See also :
See :
- install guide
- Available sku are : Standard_LRS, Standard_ZRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Premium_LRS
- Pre-req : The driver initialization depends on a Cloud provider config file.
The driver initialization depends on a Cloud provider config file, usually it's /etc/kubernetes/azure.json on all kubernetes nodes deployed by AKS or aks-engine, here is azure.json example. This driver also supports read cloud config from kuberenetes secret.
/!\ IMPORTANT : in OpenShift the creds file is located in “/etc/kubernetes/cloud.conf”, so you would need to replace the path in the deployment for the driver from “/etc/kubernetes/azure.json” to “/etc/kubernetes/cloud.conf”, issue #kubernetes-sigs/azurefile-csi-driver#282 logged.
mkdir deploy
tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
oc get secrets -n kube-system
oc describe secret azure-cloud-provider -n kube-system
azure_cnf_secret=$(oc get secret azure-cloud-provider -n kube-system -o jsonpath="{}" | base64 --decode)
echo "Azure Cloud Provider config secret " $azure_cnf_secret
azure_cnf_secret_length=$(echo -n $azure_cnf_secret | wc -c)
echo "Azure Cloud Provider config secret length " $azure_cnf_secret_length
echo "aadClientId " $aadClientId
echo "aadClientSecret" $aadClientSecret
subId=$(az account show --query id)
echo "subscription ID :" $subId
tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
managed_rg=$(az aro show -n $cluster_name -g $rg_name --query 'clusterProfile.resourceGroupId' -o tsv)
echo "ARO Managed Resource Group : " $managed_rg
managed_rg_name=`echo -e $managed_rg | cut -d "/" -f5`
echo "ARO RG Name" $managed_rg_name
# /§\ IMPORTANT : the resourceGroup is the ARO Cluster managed RG
# "resourceGroup": "rg-managed-cluster-aropub-francecentral",
# "vnetResourceGroup": "rg-aropub-francecentral",
cat <<EOF >> deploy/cloud.conf
"tenantId": "$tenantId",
"subscriptionId": $subId,
"resourceGroup": "$managed_rg_name",
"location": "$location",
"useManagedIdentityExtension": false,
"aadClientId": "$aadClientId",
"aadClientSecret": "$aadClientSecret"
cat deploy/cloud.conf
export AZURE_CLOUD_SECRET=`cat deploy/cloud.conf | base64 | awk '{printf $0}'; echo`
envsubst < ./cnf/azure-cloud-provider.yaml > deploy/azure-cloud-provider.yaml
cat deploy/azure-cloud-provider.yaml
oc apply -f ./deploy/azure-cloud-provider.yaml
# azure_cnf_secret=$(oc get secret azure-cloud-provider -n kube-system -o jsonpath="{}" | base64 --decode)
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:kube-system:csi-azurefile-node-sa
oc describe scc privileged
oc apply -f ./cnf/cloud-cfg-test-pod.yaml
oc describe pvc test-host-pvc
oc describe pv test-host-pv
oc describe pod test-pod
oc get po
oc exec -it test-pod -- cat /mnt/k8s/cloud.conf
oc create configmap azure-cred-file --from-literal=path="/etc/kubernetes/cloud.conf" -n kube-system
oc get cm -n kube-system
oc describe cm azure-cred-file -n kube-system
driver_version=master #vv0.10.0
echo "Driver version " $driver_version
curl -skSL$driver_version/deploy/ | bash -s $driver_version --
oc get rolebinding -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get role -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get ClusterRoleBinding | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get ClusterRole | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get cm -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get sa -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get svc -n kube-system
oc get psp | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get ds -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get deploy -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get rs -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get po -n kube-system | grep -i "azurefile"
oc get sc -A
# oc get pod -n kube-system -l app=csi-azurefile-controller -o wide --watch
# oc get pod -n kube-system -l app=csi-azurefile-node -o wide --watch
oc get events -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
for pod in $(oc get pods -l app=csi-azurefile-controller -n kube-system -o
oc describe pod $pod -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c csi-provisioner -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c csi-attacher -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c csi-snapshotter -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c csi-resizer -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c liveness-probe -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c azurefile -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
for pod in $(oc get pods -l app=csi-azurefile-node -n kube-system -o
oc describe pod $pod -n kube-system | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c liveness-probe -n kube-system #| grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c node-driver-registrar # | grep -i "Error"
oc logs $pod -c azurefile -n kube-system # | grep -i "Error"
If the logs show failed to get Azure Cloud Provider, error: Failed to load config from file: /etc/kubernetes/azure.json, cloud not get azure cloud provider it means that you have the cloud provider config file is not correctly set at /etc/kubernetes/cloud.conf in ARO or /etc/kubernetes/azure.json in AKS, or not correctly paramtered in the driver yaml file as explained in the pre-req
See doc examples :
# Option 1: Dynamic Provisioning
oc create -f
oc create -f
# Option 2: Static Provisioning(use an existing azure file share)
# oc create -f
# Create an Azure File
az storage account create --name $str_name --kind FileStorage --sku Premium_ZRS --location $location -g $rg_name
az storage account list -g $rg_name
az storage share create --name $fs_share_name --account-name $str_name
az storage share list --account-name $str_name
az storage share show --name $fs_share_name --account-name $str_name
httpEndpoint=$(az storage account show --name $str_name -g $rg_name --query "primaryEndpoints.file" | tr -d '"')
smbPath=$(echo $httpEndpoint | cut -c7-$(expr length $httpEndpoint))$fs_share_name
storageAccountKey=$(az storage account keys list --account-name $str_name -g $rg_name --query "[0].value" | tr -d '"')
echo "httpEndpoint" $httpEndpoint
echo "smbPath" $smbPath
echo "storageAccountKey" $storageAccountKey
export RESOURCE_GROUP=$rg_name
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=$str_name
export SHARE_NAME=$fs_share_name
envsubst < ./cnf/storageclass-azurefile-existing-share.yaml > deploy/storageclass-azurefile-existing-share.yaml
cat deploy/storageclass-azurefile-existing-share.yaml
oc create -f ./deploy/storageclass-azurefile-existing-share.yaml
#oc create -f
oc create -f ./cnf/pvc-azurefile-csi.yaml
# validate PVC status and create an nginx pod
oc describe pvc pvc-azurefile
#oc create -f
oc create -f ./cnf/nginx-pod-azurefile.yaml
# enter the pod container to do validation
oc describe po nginx-azurefile
oc exec -it nginx-azurefile -- bash
# /mnt/azurefile directory should be mounted as cifs filesystem
ls -al /mnt/azurefile
cat /mnt/azurefile/outfile
az storage share delete --name $fs_share_name --account-name $str_name
az storage account delete --name $str_name -g $rg_name -y
oc delete sc
oc delete pvc pvc-azurefile
oc delete pv pv-azurefile
oc delete pods xxx
curl -skSL$driver_version/deploy/ | bash -s --