from fabric.api import run, sudo, settings, hide, put, cd from fabric.contrib.files import exists from termcolor import colored def lxd(): with settings(warn_only=True): print colored('##################################', 'blue') print colored('########### LXD INSTALL ##########', 'blue') print colored('##################################', 'blue') # Install LXC/LXD if not already installed if exists('/usr/bin/lxd', use_sudo=True): print colored('##################################', 'blue') print colored('##### LDX already Installed ######', 'blue') print colored('##################################', 'blue') else: sudo('sudo apt-get -y install lxd') #Add the public image repository by running sudo('lxc remote add lxc-org') #Copy the 32-bit Ubuntu 14.04 container image to your system with the command #Copy the 64-bit Centos 7.0 container image to your system with the command #https: // / ubuntu_img = sudo('lxc image list | grep "trusty (i386)"') if(ubuntu_img != ""): print colored('##############################################', 'blue') print colored('#### LXC Ubuntu Trusty IMG already exists ####', 'blue') print colored('##############################################', 'blue') else: sudo('lxc image copy lxc-org:/ubuntu/trusty/i386 local: --alias=trusty32') centos_img = sudo('lxc image list | grep "Centos 7"') if (centos_img != ""): print colored('##############################################', 'blue') print colored('#### LXC Centos 7 x64 IMG already exists #####', 'blue') print colored('##############################################', 'blue') else: sudo('lxc image copy lxc-org:/centos/7/amd64 local: --alias=centos764') #centos_img = sudo('lxc image list | grep "Centos 6"') #if (centos_img != ""): # print colored('##############################################', 'blue') # print colored('#### LXC Centos 6 x64 IMG already exists #####', 'blue') # print colored('##############################################', 'blue') #else: # sudo('lxc image copy lxc-org:/centos/6/amd64 local: --alias=centos664') print colored(' ', 'blue') print colored('##########################', 'blue') print colored('###### LXD PROVISION #####', 'blue') print colored('##########################', 'blue') #Launch a container based on this image with the command below. #This will start a container named "lxd-test-01" based on the "trusty32" # image (which is an alias for the image you copied in thre previous step). #sudo('lxc launch trusty32 lxd-ubuntu-01') #sudo('lxc launch images:centos/7/amd64 my-container') sudo('lxc launch centos764 lxd-centos-01') sudo('lxc launch centos764 lxd-centos-02') sudo('lxc launch centos764 lxd-centos-03') sudo('lxc image list') #Virtual Switch/Bridge Configuration #sudo('dpkg-reconfigure -p medium lxd') lxd_bridge = sudo('ip address show | grep lxdbr') if (lxd_bridge == ""): sudo('dpkg-reconfigure -p medium lxd') else: print colored('##################################', 'blue') print colored('##### NETWORK CONFIGURATION ######', 'blue') print colored('##################################', 'blue') print(lxd_bridge) #List the configured LXD Conteiners sudo('lxc list') print colored('1) Run file /bin/ls and note the output. (You will use the output for comparison in just a moment.)', 'green') print colored('##########################', 'green') print colored('2) Open a shell in the 32-bit container you launched in previous step with the command:', 'green') print colored('lxc exec lxd-test-01 bash', 'green') print colored('##########################', 'green') print colored('3) Inside the container, run file /bin/ls and compare the output to the output of the same command you ran', 'green') print colored('outside the container. You will see that inside the container the file is reported as a 32-bit ELF executable', 'green') print colored('outside the container the same file is listed as a 64-bit ELF executable.', 'green') print colored('##########################', 'green') print colored('4) Press Ctrl-D to exit the shell in the container.', 'green') print colored('##########################', 'green') print colored('5) The container is still running, so stop the container with:', 'green') print colored('lxc stop lxd-test-01.', 'green') print colored('##########################', 'red') print colored('Its NOT currently possible to mount NFS in an LXC Contenier', attrs=['bold']) print colored('Nothing that LXD can really do about it, nfs in the upstream', attrs=['bold']) print colored('kernel would need userns support, after which things will just start working.', attrs=['bold']) print colored('##########################', 'red') print colored('###########################', 'blue') print colored('## JUMPHOST PROVISIONING ##', 'blue') print colored('###########################', 'blue') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- echo root:toor | chpasswd') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- dhclient eth0 -r') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- dhclient eth0') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- yum clean all') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- yum install -y gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel wget') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- yum install -y python-devel vim net-tools sudo openssh-server openssh-clients') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- yum install -y epel-release ') print colored('#########################################', 'blue') print colored('####### INSTALLING PYTHON FABRIC ########', 'blue') print colored('#########################################', 'blue') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- yum install -y python-pip') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- pip install --upgrade pip') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- pip install fabric') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- pip install termcolor') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- pip install iptools') print colored('#########################################', 'blue') print colored('######### INSTALLING SSH SERVER #########', 'blue') print colored('#########################################', 'blue') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- chkconfig sshd on') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- service sshd start') lxc_gw_ip = sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- ifconfig eth0 | awk \'/inet /{print substr($2,1)}\'') print colored('###########################', 'blue') print colored('### CLIENT PROVISIONING ###', 'blue') print colored('###########################', 'blue') for i in range (2,4): sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- echo root:toor | chpasswd') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- dhclient eth0 -r') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- dhclient eth0') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- yum clean all') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- yum install -y python-devel vim net-tools sudo openssh-server openssh-clients wget') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- yum install -y epel-release') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- chkconfig sshd on') sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- service sshd start') lxc_ip_addr = sudo('lxc exec lxd-centos-0'+str(i)+' -- ifconfig eth0 | awk \'/inet /{print substr($2,1)}\'') if(i == 2): with open("./scripts/out_users_test.txt", "w") as file1: file1.write(lxc_ip_addr+'\n') print(file1) elif(i > 2): with open("./scripts/out_users_test.txt", "a") as file2: file2.write(lxc_ip_addr+'\n') print(file2) else: print colored('#########################################', 'blue') print colored('### CHECK THE FOR STATEMENT BOUNDRIES ###', 'blue') print colored('#########################################', 'blue') print colored('#################################################', 'blue') print colored('######## SYNC FILES WITH LXD BASTION HOST #######', 'blue') print colored('#################################################', 'blue') sudo('lxc file push /vagrant/scripts/* lxd-centos-01/root/') #sudo lxc file push /vagrant/scripts/* lxd-centos-01/home/ebarrirero/; sudo lxc exec lxd-centos-01 -- chown -R ebarrirero:ebarrirero /home/ebarrirero/ print colored('##########################', 'blue') print colored('##### START FIREWALL #####', 'blue') print colored('##########################', 'blue') # sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i lo --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination '+lxc_gw_ip+':80') sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination '+lxc_gw_ip+':80') sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination '+lxc_gw_ip+':80') #$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i lo --dport 8338 -j DNAT --to-destination '+lxc_gw_ip+':8338') sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 --dport 8338 -j DNAT --to-destination '+lxc_gw_ip+':8338') sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 8338 -j DNAT --to-destination '+lxc_gw_ip+':8338') with hide('output'): fw = sudo('iptables -t nat -L') print colored(fw, 'red') print colored('######################################', 'blue') print colored('FIREWALL - FILTER TABLE STATUS: ', 'blue') print colored('######################################', 'blue') with hide('output'): fw = sudo('iptables -L') print colored(fw, 'red') print colored('##########################', 'blue') print colored('## NETWORK CONFIGURATION #', 'blue') print colored('##########################', 'blue') with hide('output'): netconf = sudo('ip addr show') print colored(netconf, 'green')