Background | Slides |
- Sebastien Guilloux, Elastic
Operators generally work with a CRD that an end-user would apply. The Operator watches for a create/update/delete event on the watched resource. When an event occur, a reconciliation is triggered to satisfy the requested CRD specification.
- The operator lives in the past
- The
client uses a cached reader by default- Can lead to problems
- Infinite loops
- Split-brain situations
- Double rolling upgrade reaction (delete+recreate pods, then delete+recreate the already upgraded pods)
- Can lead to problems
- Optimistic concurrency is good enough in most cases however
- Sometimes it can be not enough, especially with stateful workloads
- If better guaranteed is needed, register expectations in memory and check that the cache matches the expectation
- Best practices
- Use deterministic naming
- Always assume a stale cache
- The entire reconciliation should be idempotent
- Reconciling resources
- Hard to do because we can't just use
because of fields added by Kubernetes/mutating webhooks (e.g. metadata) - Custom functions to compare each important field gets messy quickly
- Better way is to create a hash of the important fields, then compare the expected hash against the actual hash
- Hard to do because we can't just use
- Empower users to customize fields in the CRD, but also provide good defaults
- The
- Cannot resize volumes
- Scheduling conflicts with pods vs. persistent-volumes
- Can use
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
forkind: StorageClass
- Can use
- Scheduling conflicts with local volumes vs. resources
- Choose one:
- Choose one:
- You don't have to use StatefulSets
- You can manage pods and persistent-volume-claims directly