In this file, you will find the main features of the Substrate plugin
This extension provides the following features to enhance your experience in developing with substrate
- Manage nodes and connections
- Manage accounts
- Execute extrinsics
- Subscribe to storage
- Smart contracts
After installation of this extension, you will get language support for Rust to Visual Studio Code (with RLS). Supports:
- code completion
- jump to definition, peek definition, find all references, symbol search
- types and documentation on hover
- code formatting
- refactoring (rename, deglob)
- error squiggles and apply suggestions from errors
- snippets
- build tasks
Click on the icon of Substrate
in the sidebar menu. If there no icon - RMB click on the sidebar and select show plugin.
List of all available commands of the plugin:
Add node #panel-navigation
That command will add node to the plugin storage, after that you will be able to connect to it and execute extrinsics and subscribe for data.
Start local node #directory-with-substrate-project
That command will run script in VSCode terminal (in local directory) to start local node in development mode.
Stop local node #directory-with-substrate-project
That command will stop local node and close the VSCode terminal. If no running terminal with node - it will ignore the execution of the command.
Clear chain data #directory-with-substrate-project
That command will run the purge-chain
script in VSCode terminal. If no running terminal - it will ignore the execution of the command.
Edit types #panel-navigation
That command will open for editing the file with global @polkadot/api
types. For now, it's the single available opportunity to connect to nodes with custom types.
Connect to node #panel-item
That command will connect to the node with provided url and show all available extrinsics and storage states.
Edit node #panel-item
That command will edit the node's name and url.
Remove node #panel-item
That command will remove the node from plugin storage.
Configure devcontainer #panel-navigation
That command will create .devcontainer directory in the root of the workspace and add devcontainer.json
with Dockerfile
files for the container development.
Reopen in container #panel-navigation
That command will call Reopen in Container
command from Remote-Containers
Disconnect from node #panel-navigation
That command will disconnect from the node.
Add account #panel-navigation
That command will add a new account with key and seed provided by user.
Create account #panel-navigation
That command will create a new account. It will automatically generate raw seed or mnemonic seed (depending on user choice) and ask password to encrypt account keyring.
Import account #panel-navigation
That command will import an account from .json
Change name of account #panel-item
That command will change the name of the account in plugin storage. Name is stored in metadata of keyring.
Copy address of account #panel-item
That command will copy the address of the account to clipboard.
Export account #panel-item
That command will export the account to a file according to the path entered by the user.
Remove account #panel-item
That command will remove the account from plugin storage.
Execute extrinsic #panel-item
That command will execute and sign the extrinsic with provided arguments and account key.
Show webview with extrinsics #panel-navigation
That command will show the webview in new document with all available extrinsics of active node.
Subscribe to chain data #panel-item
That command will show the webview in new document with automatically updated data from the substrate storage.
Upload wasm #panel-navigation
That command will upload wasm code to substrate node.
Deploy contract #panel-navigation
That command will deploy contract to substrate node.
Add existing code #panel-navigation
That command will add code without execution of extrinsic to put code.
Add existing contract #panel-navigation
That command will add contract without execution of extrinsic to deploy contract.
Forget code hash #panel-item
That command will remove the code hash from plugin storage.
Forget contract #panel-item
That command will remove the contract from plugin storage.
Copy hash #panel-item
That command will copy the hash of contract or code.
Call contract method #panel-item
That command will will show contract available methods and after select will execute extrinsic.
Here is a list of tags with their descriptions/meanings:
- you need to be in a directory with substrate project to execute the command.
- you can find the command on the panel's navigation.
- to run the command you have to right mouse click at the item on the corresponding panel.