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Download and install VirtualBox

Download CentOS everything iso image

Run VirtualBox & Setup a VM:

Add a new VM

  1. Click on New

  2. Customize VM

    • Name: VM1

    • Type: Linux

    • Version: Other Linux (64-bit)

    Add VM p1

  3. Click on Create

    Add VM p2

  4. Click on Create

Configuring added VM

  1. Select VM1

  2. Settings -> Storage

  3. Click on 💿 Empty

  4. In Attributes click on icon 💿 and select Choose Virtual Optical Disk File -> choose the downloaded CentOS everything iso image

  5. OK

VM Settings

Launching added VM

  1. Select VM1

  2. Start

  3. SOFTWARE SELECTION - enable Development Tools than click on Done


  5. Begin Installation

  6. ROOT PASSWORD - set your password e.g. root

  7. Reboot

Using added VM

  1. Login into VM1:

    • Login: root

    • Password: root

  2. Name the VM e.g. vm1, execute hostnamectl set-hostname "vm1"

Connecting VM to the internet

Configuring network of VM

  1. Select VM1

  2. Settings

  3. Network -> Adapter 1 -> Enable Network Adapter -> Choose Host-only Adapter

    Add VM p2

  4. Network -> Adapter 2 -> Choose NAT

    Add VM p2

  5. OK

  6. Start VM1

  7. Login into VM1

  8. Execute cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

  9. Edit file ifcfg-interface_name e.g. ifcfg-enp0s3, not ifcfg-lo - loopback interface, via text editor e.g. vi

  10. Change ONBOOT value from no to yes

  11. Save the file and reboot

  12. You are now connected to the internet, try out ping

  13. If you would like to work with the virtual maching VM1 via your shell, get the IP address of the network interface via ip addr.

    Open your shell and type ssh root@IP e.g. ssh root@ and login into virtual machine VM1.

    At ssh issue WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! execute command ssh-keygen -f "/home/USERNAME/.ssh/known_hosts" -R IP e.g. ssh-keygen -f "/home/adrian/.ssh/known_hosts" -R

Clonning VM

  1. Right click on the VM1

  2. Choose Clone

  3. Name it, e.g VM2

    Add VM p2

  4. Next

    Add VM p2

  5. Clone

  6. Select VM2

  7. Settings

  8. Network

  9. Adapter 1 -> Advanced -> Press the icon 🔄 at MAC Address

  10. Adapter 2 -> Advanced -> Press the icon 🔄 at MAC Address

  11. OK

  12. Launch and login into VM2:

    • Login: root

    • Password: root

  13. Name the VM e.g. vm2, execute hostnamectl set-hostname "vm2"