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Installation under Windows

Thomas Euler edited this page Apr 6, 2023 · 30 revisions

For detailed instructions, see manual.
For a newer (quicker) installation procedure, see below.

Quick installation under Windows (beta)

This is for Windows only; for instructions how to experimentally (!) install QDSpy under Linux, see here. The following instructions assume that you are using a fairly recent Anaconda distribution. The advantage of this installation procedure is that it uses a virtual (conda) environment and therefore should not touch your current Python installation.

  1. Clone the branch of choice to a new location on your drive:
    git clone
    git clone -b experimental
  2. Change into that folder and create a new conda environment using the qdspy.yaml file:
    cd qdspy
    conda env create -f qdspy.yaml
    To check if successful, run:
    conda env list
  3. Activating this conda environment under Windows does not always work reliably. Therefore, run the "conda prompt" from your start menu and then go there back into your QDSpy folder.
  4. In the conda prompt window, activate the conda environment and set the path to the new QDSpy folder (replace c:\qdspy by the path to your QDSpy folder):
    conda activate qdspy
    conda develop 'c:\qdspy' 

To remove the conda environment and start over, run:

conda deactivate
conda env remove -n qdspy