Scripts for creating and updating letsencrypt certs.
This script obtains a cert for a new domain. These domains will be proxied to a given ip-address of an lxc-container.
Install requirements:
apt-get install certbot
apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
It creates a new certificate using the certbot nginx plugin. Then a certificate is obtained and installed. Finally the final config (from the template) is placed, and nginx is reloaded. The config uses a lot of includes from /etc/nginx/snippets")
This script obtains a wildcard cert for a new domain using DNS01 auth.
Install requirements:
apt-get install certbot
Install acme-dns (does not have to be local).
Configure the auth hook.
This script parses an nginx server config file and prints all its server names in certbot command style. This can be used to update an existing letsencrypt cert with more domain names.
To add a extra domain to an existing cert, add the domain to the server names in /etc/nginx/sitesn_enabled/ and reload nginx Then just rerun certbot with the old AND new domains with the '-d' flag. Get these names directly by running To expand to and use
certbot certonly -n --webroot -w /var/www/web_eir -d -d