🌈 A collaborative list of awesome software for spectroscopy. Feel free to contribute
- Astrophysics & astronomy spectra
- Atmospheric spectra
- General purpose
- Import-Export
- Infrared spectroscopy
- MDS spectroscopy
- UV/VIS spectroscopy
- Spectral inference
- Post-processing
- Databases
Other ways to find spectroscopy software:
- Explore GitHub #spectroscopy packages tagged with "spectroscopy".
- FOSS for Spectroscopy overlaps with this list in part, but presents the options in a slightly different format.
Generate or analyse astrophysics / astronomy spectra
: python package to calculate the radiative properties of astrophysical plasmas based on the CHIANTI atomic database
: GPU-Accelerated Radiative Transfer Code For Exoplanetary Atmospheres
: spectroscopic module of the pyhdust package for multi-technique astronomical data
: a python spectroscopic toolkit for a wide variety of astronomical instruments.
: : a Python package for spectral analysis in astronomy
: radio spectra on solar physics from the sunpy package
: spectroscopy package of the PlasmaPy project
Atmosphere spectra, with line of sight
Py4CAtS (software) : Python code for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy (HITRAN, Geisa)
: Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer fitting code
GARLIC (software) : Fortran line by line code
MODTRAN (software) : software for MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission
: LOWTRAN atmospheric absorption extinction, scatter and irradiance model--in Python and Matlab
LBLRTM (software) : Line-by-line calculations of atmospheric fluxes and cooling rates
libRadtran (software) : C / Fortran functions and programs for calculation of solar and thermal radiation in the Earth's atmosphere
: Helper functions in reading/writing LBLRTM input/output files.
General spectral processing or analysis packages
: Python package for working with (hyper)spectral data
: a Python package for spectral data processing (IR, Raman, XAS...)
: Python pandas-based toolkit for explorative spectroscopy (IR, IV-vis, ...).
Spectragryph (software) : optical spectroscopy software for UV-VIS, NIR, FTIR, Raman, fluorescence, LIBS, XRF data.
: Processing, analysing and modelling spectroscopic data (IR, NMR, UV-vis, ...).
Import/export of spectral data
Bruker OPUS Reader
: Reading the binary OPUS files generated by Bruker spectrometers.
: Interface to read hypersectral data
: Import UV/VIS spectral data and related metadata in R
Generate or analyse infrared spectra for combustion / plasma physics applications #infrared
: HITRAN Application Programming Interface
: Ultrafast opacity calculator for exoplanetary atmospheres.
: a fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra
SpectraPlot (website) : online interface to HITRAN / HITEMP / NIST data
HITRAN on the web (website) : online interface to HITRAN data
: Radiation Interface for Matlab Spectroscopy Calculations. Uses HITRAN and HITEMP
- WrightTools (software) : a Python package for multidimensional spectroscopy
*Generate or analyse UV/VIS spectra (electronic states of atoms / molecules)
SPECAIR (software) : software for calculation and fitting of UV/VIS plasma emission
SPARTAN (software) : software for line-by-line radiative calculation of high-temperature, low pressure plasmas
: Perceptual Analysis, Visualization and Organization of Spectral Colour Data in R
and fitting
- Starfish
: Tools for Flexible Spectroscopic Inference
general spectral analysis packages
- fityk
: curve fitting (peak fitting) software
Databases for atomic and molecular spectroscopy
- Chianti: atomic line database
- NIST: atomic line database
- EXOMOL: Molecular Line Lists for Exoplanet and Other Atmospheres
- GEISA: atmospheric spectroscopic database
- HITRAN: high-resolution transmission molecular absorption databases for gases of the atmosphere (infrared)
- HITEMP: high temperature molecular spectroscopic database (infrared)
- GASPAR: high-temperature plasma radiation modelling (uv/vis/infrared)
Spectral visualizuation utilites
- react-emission-spectra
set of react components for visualising atomic lines on the visible spectrum.