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ericmbarnard edited this page Apr 10, 2012 · 16 revisions

KoGrid is very configurable. You can pass the following objects/values into KoGrid to toggle the behavior that you desire!

Option Default Description
rowHeight 30 The height of each row in the grid (px)
columnWidth 100 The default width of each column in the grid
headerRowHeight 30 The height of the header
footerRowHeight 45 The height of the footer
filterRowHeight 30 The height of the filters (when showing)
rowTemplate 'kgRowTemplate' Row template to use for rendered rows (overrideable with your own custom template
headerTemplate 'kgHeaderRowTemplate' Header Template to use
headerCellTemplate 'kgHeaderCellTemplate' Header Cell Template to use
footerTemplate 'kgFooterTemplate' Footer Template to use
footerVisible ko.observable(true) Toggles whether the Footer appears or hides (it will keep a small amount of chrome)
autogenerateColumns true Autogenerates the grid columns using a `for in` statement of your data’s first array item
data null The observableArray to bind the grid to
columnDefs [] Column definitions to use if not autogenerating columns
enablePaging false Enables a paging control in the footer of the grid
pageSizes [250, 500, 1000] If paging enabled, these are the page size choices the user is shown
pageSize ko.observable(250) If paging enabled, this is the page size the user has selected
totalServerItems ko.observable(null) If paging enabled, the total items on the server to page through
currentPage ko.observable(1) If paging enabled, the current page the user is on
isMultiSelect true Toggles whether the grid allows multi-row selection or single-row selection
selectedItem ko.observable() If not multi-select, the item currently selected in the grid (null if nothing selected)
selectedItems ko.observableArray([]) If multi-select, the items currently selected in the grid
displaySelectionCheckbox true Shows checkboxes on left-side of each grid row to indicated selected item(s)
displayRowIndex true Shows the row index on left side of each grid row
useExternalFiltering false Toggles whether filtering is handled inside grid or by external code (such as server side filtering)
useExternalSorting false Toggles whether sorting is handled inside grid or by external code (such as server side sorting)
filterInfo ko.observable() Observable that is kept in sync with filtering input from user (to be used with external filtering)
sortInfo ko.observable() Observable that is kept in sync with sorting input from user (to be used with external sorting)
filterWildcard "*" or "%"
Indicates which character the column filters should use as a wildcard

Example data-bind with multiple configuration options

<div data-bind="koGrid: { data: myObsArray,
                           isMultSelect: false,
                           selectedItem: mySelectedObj,
                           columnDefs: [ { field: 'firstName', displayName: 'First Name' }]"></div>