forked from Knockout-Contrib/KoGrid
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anasnakawa edited this page Dec 11, 2012
16 revisions
KoGrid is very configurable. You can pass the following objects/values into KoGrid to toggle the behavior that you desire!
defaults = {
afterSelectionChange: function () {}, // callback if you want to validate something after selection.
beforeSelectionChange: function (rowItem) { return true; }, // callback if you want to inspect something before selection, return false if you want to cancel the selection. return true otherwise.
canSelectRows: true, // enable selections
columnDefs: undefined, // defitions of columns as an array [], if not defines columns are auto-generated.
columnWidth: 100,
data: ko.observableArray([]), // the data you want to display
disableTextSelection: false, // disables text selection in the grid.
displaySelectionCheckbox: true, // toggles whether row selection check boxes appear
enableColumnResize: true, // enable or disable resizing of columns
enableRowReordering: false, // enable row reordering.
enableSorting: ko.observable(true),
filterOptions: {
filterText: ko.observable(""), // the actual filter text so you can use external filtering while using the builting search box.
useExternalFilter: false, // bypass internal filtering for instance, server side-searching/paging
footerRowHeight: 55,
footerVisible: true, // showing the footer is enabled by default
groups: [], // initial fields to group data by. array of strings. field names, not displayName.
headerRowHeight: 32,
headerRowTemplate: undefined, // define a header row template for further customization.
jqueryUIDraggable: false, // Enables non-HTML5 compliant drag and drop using the jquery UI reaggable/droppable plugin. requires jqueryUI to work if enabled.
jqueryUITheme: false, // enable the jqueryUIThemes
keepLastSelected: true, // prevent unselections when multi is disabled.
maintainColumnRatios: undefined, // defaults to true when using *'s or undefined widths. can be ovverriden by setting to false.
multiSelect: true, // set this to false if you only want one item selected at a time
plugins: [], // array of plugin functions to
rowHeight: 30,
rowTemplate: undefined, // Define a row Template to customize output
selectedItems: ko.observableArray([]), // array, if multi turned off will have only one item in array
selectWithCheckboxOnly: false, // set to true if you only want to be able to select with the checkbox
showColumnMenu: true, // enables display of the menu to choose which columns to display.
showFilter: true, // enables display of the filterbox in the column menu.
showGroupPanel: false, // whether or not to display the dropzone for grouping columns on the fly
sortInfo: undefined, // similar to filterInfo
tabIndex: -1, // set the tab index of the grid.
useExternalSorting: false,
watchDataItems: false, // DANGER: setting this to true will aloow the grid to update individual elements as they change. In large datasets this adversely affects performance. It is disabled by default.
// Paging
enablePaging: false, // enables the paging feature
pagingOptions: {
currentPage: ko.observable(1), // what page they are currently on
pageSize: ko.observable(250), // Size of Paging data
pageSizes: ko.observableArray([250, 500, 1000]), // page Sizes
totalServerItems: ko.observable(0) // how many items are on the server (for paging)