BUILD_DIR=$(CURDIR)/build COVERAGE_DIR=$(BUILD_DIR)/coverage BEATS?=auditbeat filebeat heartbeat journalbeat metricbeat packetbeat winlogbeat x-pack/functionbeat x-pack/elastic-agent x-pack/osquerybeat PROJECTS=libbeat $(BEATS) PROJECTS_ENV=libbeat filebeat metricbeat PYTHON_ENV?=$(BUILD_DIR)/python-env PYTHON_EXE?=python3 PYTHON_ENV_EXE=${PYTHON_ENV}/bin/$(notdir ${PYTHON_EXE}) VENV_PARAMS?= FIND=find . -type f -not -path "*/build/*" -not -path "*/.git/*" GOLINT=golint XPACK_SUFFIX=x-pack/ # PROJECTS_XPACK_PKG is a list of Beats that have independent packaging support # in the x-pack directory (rather than having the OSS build produce both sets # of artifacts). This will be removed once we complete the transition. PROJECTS_XPACK_PKG=x-pack/auditbeat x-pack/dockerlogbeat x-pack/filebeat x-pack/heartbeat x-pack/metricbeat x-pack/winlogbeat x-pack/packetbeat # PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE is a list of Beats whose primary build logic is based in # Mage. For compatibility with CI testing these projects support a subset of the # makefile targets. After all Beats converge to primarily using Mage we can # remove this and treat all sub-projects the same. PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE=$(PROJECTS_XPACK_PKG) x-pack/libbeat # # Includes # include dev-tools/make/ ## help : Show this help. help: Makefile @printf "Usage: make [target] [VARIABLE=value]\nTargets:\n" @sed -n 's/^## //p' $< | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":"}; { if(NF>1 && $$2!="") printf " \033[36m%-25s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 ; else printf "%40s\n", $$1};' @printf "Variables:\n" @grep -E "^[A-Za-z0-9_]*\?=" $< | awk 'BEGIN {FS = "\\?="}; { printf " \033[36m%-25s\033[0m Default values: %s\n", $$1, $$2}' ## testsuite : Runs complete testsuites (unit, system, integration) for all beats with coverage and race detection. Also it builds the docs and the generators. .PHONY: testsuite testsuite: @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS) $(PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE),$(MAKE) -C $(var) testsuite || exit 1;) ## setup-commit-hook : Setup the git pre-commit hook .PHONY: setup-commit-hook setup-commit-hook: @cp script/ .git/hooks/pre-commit @chmod 751 .git/hooks/pre-commit ## stop-environments : Stop the environment for each project. stop-environments: @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS_ENV),$(MAKE) -C $(var) stop-environment || exit 0;) ## test : Runs unit and system tests without coverage and race detection. .PHONY: test test: @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS),$(MAKE) -C $(var) test || exit 1;) ## unit : Runs unit tests without coverage and race detection. .PHONY: unit unit: @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS),$(MAKE) -C $(var) unit || exit 1;) ## crosscompile : Crosscompile all beats. .PHONY: crosscompile crosscompile: @$(foreach var,filebeat winlogbeat metricbeat heartbeat auditbeat,$(MAKE) -C $(var) crosscompile || exit 1;) ## coverage-report : Generates coverage report. .PHONY: coverage-report coverage-report: @mkdir -p $(COVERAGE_DIR) @echo 'mode: atomic' > ./$(COVERAGE_DIR)/full.cov @# Collects all coverage files and skips top line with mode @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS),tail -q -n +2 ./$(var)/$(COVERAGE_DIR)/*.cov >> ./$(COVERAGE_DIR)/full.cov || true;) @go tool cover -html=./$(COVERAGE_DIR)/full.cov -o $(COVERAGE_DIR)/full.html @echo "Generated coverage report $(COVERAGE_DIR)/full.html" ## update : TBD. .PHONY: update update: notice @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS) $(PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE),$(MAKE) -C $(var) update || exit 1;) @$(MAKE) -C deploy/kubernetes all ## clean : Clean target. .PHONY: clean clean: mage @rm -rf build @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS) $(PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE),$(MAKE) -C $(var) clean || exit 1;) @$(MAKE) -C generator clean @-mage -clean ## check : TBD. .PHONY: check check: @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS) dev-tools $(PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE),$(MAKE) -C $(var) check || exit 1;) $(MAKE) check-python # check if vendor folder does not exists [ ! -d vendor ] # Validate that all updates were committed @$(MAKE) update @$(MAKE) check-headers @$(MAKE) check-go @$(MAKE) check-no-changes ## check : Run some checks similar to what the default check validation runs in the CI. .PHONY: check-default check-default: @$(MAKE) check-python @echo "The update goal is skipped to speed up the checks in the CI on a PR basis." @$(MAKE) notice @$(MAKE) check-headers @$(MAKE) check-go @$(MAKE) check-no-changes ## ccheck-go : Check there is no changes in Go modules. .PHONY: check-go check-go: @go mod tidy ## ccheck-no-changes : Check there is no local changes. .PHONY: check-no-changes check-no-changes: @go mod tidy @git diff | cat @git update-index --refresh @git diff-index --exit-code HEAD -- ## check-python : Python Linting. .PHONY: check-python check-python: python-env @$(FIND) -name *.py -name *.py -not -path "*/build/*" -exec $(PYTHON_ENV)/bin/autopep8 -d --max-line-length 120 {} \; | (! grep . -q) || (echo "Code differs from autopep8's style" && false) @$(FIND) -name *.py -not -path "*/build/*" | xargs $(PYTHON_ENV)/bin/pylint --py3k -E || (echo "Code is not compatible with Python 3" && false) ## check-headers : Check the license headers. .PHONY: check-headers check-headers: mage @mage checkLicenseHeaders ## add-headers : Adds the license headers. .PHONY: add-headers add-headers: mage @mage addLicenseHeaders ## misspell : Corrects spelling errors. .PHONY: misspell misspell: go get -u # Ignore Kibana files (.json) $(FIND) \ -not -path "*.json" \ -not -path "*.log" \ -name '*' \ -exec misspell -w {} \; ## fmt : TBD. .PHONY: fmt fmt: add-headers python-env @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS) dev-tools $(PROJECTS_XPACK_MAGE),$(MAKE) -C $(var) fmt || exit 1;) @# Cleans also python files which are not part of the beats @$(FIND) -name "*.py" -exec $(PYTHON_ENV)/bin/autopep8 --in-place --max-line-length 120 {} \; ## docs : Builds the documents for each beat .PHONY: docs docs: @$(foreach var,$(PROJECTS),BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR} $(MAKE) -C $(var) docs || exit 1;) sh ./script/ dev-guide ${BUILD_DIR} ## notice : Generates the NOTICE file. .PHONY: notice notice: @echo "Generating NOTICE" go mod tidy go mod download go list -m -json all | go run \ -includeIndirect \ -rules dev-tools/notice/rules.json \ -overrides dev-tools/notice/overrides.json \ -noticeTemplate dev-tools/notice/NOTICE.txt.tmpl \ -noticeOut NOTICE.txt \ -depsOut "" ## python-env : Sets up the virtual python environment. .PHONY: python-env python-env: @test -d $(PYTHON_ENV) || ${PYTHON_EXE} -m venv $(VENV_PARAMS) $(PYTHON_ENV) @$(PYTHON_ENV)/bin/pip install -q --upgrade pip autopep8==1.5.4 pylint==2.4.4 @# Work around pip bug. See: @find $(PYTHON_ENV) -type d -name dist-packages -exec sh -c "echo dist-packages > {}.pth" ';' ## test-apm : Tests if apm works with the current code .PHONY: test-apm test-apm: sh ./script/ ## get-version : Get the libbeat version .PHONY: get-version get-version: @mage dumpVariables | grep 'beat_version' | cut -d"=" -f 2 | tr -d " " ### Packaging targets #### ## snapshot : Builds a snapshot release. .PHONY: snapshot snapshot: @$(MAKE) SNAPSHOT=true release ## release : Builds a release. .PHONY: release release: beats-dashboards @mage dumpVariables @$(foreach var,$(BEATS) $(PROJECTS_XPACK_PKG),$(MAKE) -C $(var) release || exit 1;) @$(foreach var,$(BEATS) $(PROJECTS_XPACK_PKG), \ test -d $(var)/build/distributions && test -n "$$(ls $(var)/build/distributions)" || exit 0; \ mkdir -p build/distributions/$(subst $(XPACK_SUFFIX),'',$(var)) && mv -f $(var)/build/distributions/* build/distributions/$(subst $(XPACK_SUFFIX),'',$(var))/ || exit 1;) ## release-manager-snapshot : Builds a snapshot release. The Go version defined in .go-version will be installed and used for the build. .PHONY: release-manager-snapshot release-manager-snapshot: @$(MAKE) SNAPSHOT=true release-manager-release ## release-manager-release : Builds a snapshot release. The Go version defined in .go-version will be installed and used for the build. .PHONY: release-manager-release release-manager-release: GO_VERSION=$(shell cat ./.go-version) ./dev-tools/run_with_go_ver $(MAKE) release ## beats-dashboards : Collects dashboards from all Beats and generates a zip file distribution. .PHONY: beats-dashboards beats-dashboards: mage update @mage packageBeatDashboards