I've set up convenience recipes for setting up the cluster locally, so after you make sure you've got the submodules and the cluster is up,
git submodule update --init # If you didn't clone --recursive.
minikube start
you can just run these (see Makefile
for the full commands):
- To spin up the production environment:
make test-app-db test-app-backend test-app-frontend namespace=prd
- You can run the same with
to set up the dev environment. - It'll use the master branch from the modules as well, but CI uses dev.
- Ideally I'd use Argo or Flux for mapping master/dev -> prod/dev.
- You can run the same with
- To spin up monitoring:
make loki kube-prometheus-stack
- Default grafana pass is 'prom-operator'.
- To spin up the CI runner:
make gitlab-runner