Creating the RefSeqProt diamond DB ##Create diamond RefSeq protein DB with taxonomic information wget -c*.faa.gz [nonredundant] wget -c[0-9]*.protein.faa.gz [redundant] ##To obtain information about the current number of files and size 1. connect to using MacOS 2. on terminal execute mount to check the current mount point [/Volumes/complete] 3. cd /Volumes/complete 4. ls complete.nonredundant_protein*.faa.gz | wc -l --> 1565 5. du -h *.faa.gz | grep 'M' | awk '{ SUM += $1} END {print SUM}' --> 45402.8 wget -c ##Verify its integrity gzip -tv prot.accession2taxid.gz wget -c [Remember to unzip this one] ##Suppose we downloaded all the faa.gz files into the /home/emilio/DiamondDB folder and the file into the taxDMP sub-folder. We will have the following tree structure: emilio@frodo:~/DiamondDB$ tree . ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.1.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.10.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.100.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.1000.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.1001.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.1002.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.1003.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.1004.protein.faa.gz .... ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.997.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.998.protein.faa.gz ├── complete.nonredundant_protein.999.protein.faa.gz ├── prot.accession2taxid.gz └── taxDMP ├── citations.dmp ├── delnodes.dmp ├── division.dmp ├── gencode.dmp ├── merged.dmp ├── names.dmp ├── nodes.dmp └── Move to the /home/emilio/DiamondDB folder [cd /home/emilio/DiamondDB] and check for the validity of gzipped files: rm -rf gzip_test_report.txt; for i in `ls complete.nonredundant_protein*.faa.gz`; do gzip -tv $i &>> gzip_test_report.txt; done [nonredundant] rm -rf gzip_test_report.txt; for i in `ls complete.[0-9]*.protein.faa.gz`; do gzip -tv $i &>> gzip_test_report.txt; done [redundant] grep invalid gzip_test_report.txt gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.1163.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.1285.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.1292.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.1293.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.328.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.360.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.360.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--length error gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.584.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error gzip: complete.nonredundant_protein.584.protein.faa.gz: invalid compressed data--length error ..... Rename files with errors to prepare new download: for i in `grep invalid gzip_test_report.txt | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`; do mv $i $i"_ERRATA"; done Re-download errata files: for i in `grep invalid gzip_test_report.txt | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`; do wget -c$i; done Test re-downloaded files: for i in `grep invalid gzip_test_report.txt | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`; do gzip -tv $i; done Remove ERRATA files: rm -rf *_ERRATA Create the diamond db executing the following command: time zcat *.faa.gz | diamond makedb --taxonmap prot.accession2taxid.gz --taxonnames taxDMP/names.dmp --taxonnodes taxDMP/nodes.dmp -d refseq_protein_nonredund_diamond -v --log [nonredundant] time zcat *.faa.gz | diamond makedb --taxonmap prot.accession2taxid.gz --taxonnames taxDMP/names.dmp --taxonnodes taxDMP/nodes.dmp -d refseq_protein_redund_diamond -v --log [redundant] Using diamond v2.0.13.151 with 16 #CPU threads and 32Gb RAM, it took [nonredundant] real 78m32.002s user 170m40.081s sys 3m57.558s The database will contain: Database sequences 188429555 Database letters 65043307720 Accessions in database 188429555 Entries in accession to taxid file 1045057754 Database accessions mapped to taxid 188339268 Database sequences mapped to taxid 188339268 Database hash 0987f8827e574693df8aa10181456276 Total time 4712s [redundant] Database sequences 41039154 Database letters 24257063574 Accessions in database 41039154 Entries in accession to taxid file 1045057754 Database accessions mapped to taxid 41039003 Database sequences mapped to taxid 41039003 Database hash c88ebf7fb8312b74fff3c3b348bec0e3 Total time 1452s real 24m11.807s user 72m1.745s sys 1m25.984s ##Check diamond blastx against Human Papilloma Virus #Get Human papilloma virus efetch -dbnuccore -id NC_027779.1 -format fasta > HumanPapillomaVirus.fasta time diamond blastx -d /home/emilio/DiamondDB/refseq_protein_nonredund_diamond.dmnd -p 16 -q HumanPapillomaVirus.fasta -f 6 qseqid staxids bitscore sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue -o HumanPapillomaVirus_DiaMond.out -t /tmp -c 4 -b 0.77 -k 1 -v --log Time required: real 15m35.707s user 148m18.599s sys 1m25.439s ##Remove DUP awk '!a[$1]++ {print $1 "\t" $2}' HumanPapillomaVirus_DiaMond.out > HumanPapillomaVirus_NoDup.m8 ##Associate TAXA taxonkit --data-dir ../DiamondDB/taxDMP/ lineage -i 2 HumanPapillomaRedund_DiaMond_NoDup.out > HumanPapillomaRedund_DiaMond_NoDup_withTaxa.m8 Creating the KRAKEN2 viral db After installing the kraken2 application, execute the following command: kraken2-build --download-library viral --db $DBNAME [Replace "$DBNAME" above with your preferred database name/location. Please note that the database will use approximately 100 GB of disk space during creation, with the majority of that being reference sequences or taxonomy mapping information that can be removed after the build.] Creating NCBI-RefSeq for BLASTDB After installing blastdb command tools, download the following files: ref_viruses_rep_genomes.tar.gz [ wget -c] taxdb.tar.gz [wget -c] Unzip you .gz files and execute the following command to create your BLASTDB database makeblastdb -in viralseq_2021-12-14_14-45-53.fna -dbtype nucl -title ViralSeq -input_type fasta -out ViralSeq_2021-12-14 -taxid_map /mnt/NTFS/NGS-DBs/KrakenViral/taxonomy/nucl_gb.accession2taxid -parse_seqids Building a new DB, current time: 12/15/2021 17:39:45 New DB name: /mnt/NTFS/NGS-DBs/NCBI-RefSeq/ViralSeq_2021-12-14 New DB title: ViralSeq Sequence type: Nucleotide Keep MBits: T Maximum file size: 1000000000B Adding sequences from FASTA; added 1944 sequences in 0.534802 seconds. Then, you have to run the following command to be sure your database correctly works: emilio@frodo:/remote-storage/DBs$ blastn -db blastdb/ref_viruses_rep_genomes -query /home/emilio/CAMISIM/viruses/genomes/Ippy01.fasta -evalue 1e-3 -word_size 11 -outfmt "6 std staxid staxids" | more NC_007905.1 NC_007905.1 100.000 3366 0 0 1 3366 1 3366 0.0 6216 55096 55096 NC_007905.1 NC_007905.1 92.308 39 2 1 3329 3366 39 1 5.41e-05 54.7 55096 55096 NC_007905.1 NC_007905.1 92.308 39 2 1 1 39 3366 3329 5.41e-05 54.7 55096 55096 NC_007905.1 NC_007905.1 90.000 40 4 0 1550 1589 1589 1550 1.94e-04 52.8 55096 55096 NC_007905.1 NC_038367.1 70.576 3317 842 110 50 3299 74 3323 7.16e-168 595 1518603 1518603 NC_007905.1 NC_038367.1 95.000 40 1 1 1550 1589 1622 1584 3.23e-07 62.1 1518603 1518603 NC_007905.1 NC_004296.1 69.951 2882 748 97 381 3212 3010 197 5.99e-114 416 11620 11620 NC_007905.1 NC_004296.1 79.528 127 17 5 1 120 3401 3277 2.48e-13 82.4 11620 11620 NC_007905.1 NC_004296.1 95.122 41 2 0 1549 1589 1817 1857 2.50e-08 65.8 11620 11620 NC_007905.1 NC_004296.1 94.286 35 2 0 3332 3366 35 1 5.41e-05 54.7 11620 11620 NC_007905.1 NC_006573.1 69.917 2882 749 96 378 3209 390 3203 2.78e-112 411 300180 300180 NC_007905.1 NC_006573.1 79.839 124 16 5 1 117 2 123 2.48e-13 82.4 300180 300180 NC_007905.1 NC_006573.1 95.122 41 2 0 1549 1589 1586 1546 2.50e-08 65.8 300180 300180 NC_007905.1 NC_006573.1 94.286 35 2 0 3332 3366 3368 3402 5.41e-05 54.7 300180 300180 NC_007905.1 NC_016152.1 73.171 1107 242 45 1089 2167 1101 2180 2.21e-93 348 883876 883876 Creating SILVA DB After installing sortmerna, you have to download the following files: wget -c wget -c gunzip SILVA_138.1*.gz After that, it's necessary to create the index_db. As in the reported example, where your multiple DBs are the two silva files just downloaded: Multiple databases can be indexed simultaneously by passing them as a ‘:’ separated list to --ref (no spaces allowed). >> ./indexdb_rna --ref ./rRNA_databases/silva-bac-16s-id90.fasta,./index/silva-bac-16s-db:\ ./rRNA_databases/silva-bac-23s-id98.fasta,./index/silva-bac-23s-db:\ ./rRNA_databases/silva-arc-16s-id95.fasta,./index/silva-arc-16s-db:\ ./rRNA_databases/silva-arc-23s-id98.fasta,./index/silva-arc-23s-db:\ ./rRNA_databases/silva-euk-18s-id95.fasta,./index/silva-euk-18s-db:\ ./rRNA_databases/silva-euk-28s-id98.fasta,./index/silva-euk-28s:\ ./rRNA_databases/rfam-5s-database-id98.fasta,./index/rfam-5s-db:\ ./rRNA_databases/rfam-5.8s-database-id98.fasta,./index/rfam-5.8s-db