This .NET library may simplify your access to SA:MP servers (gathering information about them) and to SA:MP client settings
This library was written long ago, and it won't be maintained anymore.
- .NET 6 -
I wrote this library as an analogue under the MIT license, since those that I found in the Internet were either proprietary or under the GPL license, which is not always suitable.
Client class IS NOT CROSS-PLATFORM. It requires Microsoft.Win32.Registry package, which is working only in Windows.
The Query algorithm is based on, but code is rewritten
SampAccess API is pretty easy and straightforward. Here is an example:
using System;
using SampAccess;
namespace Test
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
using Query query = new(/* IP */ args[1], /* Port */ Convert.ToUInt16(args[2]));
// Basic information about a server
Console.WriteLine($"Ping {query.PingInMilliseconds} ms\n");
Console.WriteLine("Common information:\n" +
$"Players: {query.CommonInformation.PlayersOnline}/{query.CommonInformation.LimitOfPlayers}\n" +
$"Has password: {query.CommonInformation.HasPassword}\n" +
$"Host name: {query.CommonInformation.HostName}\n" +
$"Game mode: {query.CommonInformation.GameMode}\n" +
$"Language: {query.CommonInformation.Language}\n");
// Server rules
Console.WriteLine("Server rules:");
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> rule in query.ServerRules)
Console.WriteLine($"Key: {rule.Key}; Value: {rule.Value}");
// Player information
foreach (Query.Player player in query.PlayersInformation)
Console.WriteLine($"Player nick: {player.Nick}\n" +
$"Ping: {player.Ping}\n" +
$"Score: {player.Score}");
if(player.PlayerID != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Player ID: {player.PlayerID}");
Client is even more simple, than Query class:
using System;
using SampAccess;
namespace Test
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"Your nickname: {Client.PlayerName}");
Console.WriteLine($"Game executable path: {Client.GameExecutable}");
Console.WriteLine("Checkboxes:\n" +
$"Save RCON passwords: {Client.SaveRconPasswords}\n" +
$"Save server passwords: {Client.SaveServerPasswords}");
Console.Write("Your new nickname: ");
Client.PlayerName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Your new game executable: ");
Client.GameExecutable = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Do you want to save RCON passwords: ");
Client.SaveRconPasswords = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Do you want to save server passwords: ");
Client.SaveServerPasswords = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());