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File metadata and controls

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  • Go 1.4 or higher
  • Godep (go get
  • Mesos
  • Kafka
  • Vault


Get the source:

$ git clone
$ cd monarch

And buld it:

$ godep restore
$ go build .

Using Docker

You can use prepared script to build docker image:


It'll create docker image with tag monarch

For this build you should have files in current dir:

'server.crt' - SSL cert for server
'server.key' - SSL private key
'' - Configuration for Kafka Producer

Than, you can run it, for example this way:

docker run \
  monarch \
  monarch scheduler -master=

Without Docker

You can use Monarch without docker, just prepare following files and place them somewhere in your mesos cluster:

  • "monarch": executable binary (for launching scheduler and cli commands)
  • "executor.tgz": archive with "monarch" binary for executors
  • "server.crt" - SSL cert for server
  • "server.key" - SSL private key


usage: monarch [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available commands are:
    adduser         Add new client and get api key
    executor        Start Monarch executor
    refreshtoken    Get a new token for user
    scale           Scale executors
    scheduler       Starts Monarch Scheduler

Step 1. Connect to Vault

Ensure that Vault is up and running and set environment variable VAULT_TOKEN to your Vault authentication token.

Step 2. Run scheduler

$ ./monarch scheduler --artifact-host=<artifact_server_host> --master=<mesos_master_host:port> --broker-list=<kafka.broker1:port>,<kafka.broker2:port>

On this step by default you will have no executor instances run with scheduler.


  --artifact-host: Artifact server host. Default: "localhost"
  --artifact-port: Artifact server port. Default: 4242
  --master: Mesos Master address <ip:port>. Default: ""
  --executor.archive: Executor archive name. Default: "executor.tgz"
  --vault: Vault URL. Default: ""
  --broker-list: Kafka broker list. Default: "localhost:9092"
  --cpu: CPU per executor task. Default: 0.1
  --mem: Memory per task. Default: 64
  --user: Framework user. Default: "root"
  --topic: Topic for schema registry. Default: "schemas"

Step 3. Run executors

To add new executors to scheduler there is scale command:

$ ./monarch scale --executor <executor_name> --instances <number>


  --executor: Executor name to scale. Now supporterd `beaker` and `schema` executors.
  --instances: Number of instances. Could be less or more than now launched.

Step 4. Add clients

To add client to Monarch use adduser command:

$ ./monarch adduser -name=johnsnow -api="http://scheduler.server.ip:port"
User johnsnow created. API key: fc36f4c8-edd5-499b-8601-bcc9640cb233

Step 5 (Optional). Refresh client api key

To assign new api key for user:

$ ./monarch refreshtoken -name=johnsnow -api="http://scheduler.server.ip:port"
Done! New token: 6014b9db-75c9-462f-a8af-a55f8a188963

Monarch Push API


To push messages via Monarch Push API, you will need to send authentication headers:

  • X-Api-User: client name
  • X-Api-Key: client api key

Posting data

Executors of Monarch are listening for HTTPS POST requests with JSON arrays of messages. Message have following structure:

  • topic: string with name of topic
  • data: base64-encoded bytestring with data

Example request:

    "topic": "metrics",
    "data": "dGVzdA=="

This request will produce data to the namespaced topic <clientname>_metrics.

Monarch Schema Registry

Monarch Schema Registry executor is fully compatible with Confluent Schema Registry API.