- Elle Yoko Suzuki
- @ellesuzuki
- Why?
- When?
- What?
- How?
- Basic Commands
- Special Characters
- Flags, Options
- Power Tools
- Directories, Files
- Text Editing
- Configuring Your Environment
- Internet Utilities
- System Health
- (Short) Story Time!
- Faster!
- Can combine stuff!
- Can automate!
- Funner!
- A learning curve
- May take a bit of getting used to
- May not be as pretty as GUIs
- Navigating around on a computer (ls, pwd,..)
- Accessing a remote server (ssh); sending files back and forth (sftp)
- Editing files (vi, pico)
- Using version control (git)
- Running scripts (Ruby, PHP..)
- Reading log files
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- WAY of interacting with a computer (program) via text
- The text are the 'command lines'
- Via a 'shell'
- Implementation of a command line interface (CLI)
- sh --Bourne shell (original)
- csh --C shell (next original)
- bash --Bourne-again shell (Mac OS X default)
- ksh --Korn shell
- zsh --Z shell
- tcsh --Tenex C shell
- Mac OS X: Terminal
- Windows: Cygwin
- UNIX/Linux terminals
- date
- cal
- bc
- pwd -- present working directory
- ls -- list all the files!
- cd -- change directory
- cat --show me what's inside!
- touch -- make an empty file
- cp -- copy
- rm -- remove
- mv -- move
- . (a dot)
- .. (2 dots!)
- ~ (tilde)
- (an asterisk, or 'star')
- Preface with a - (dash)
- ls -ltaF
- rm -rf
- rm -i
- cp -pr
- man pages (manual)
- man ls
(image: http://ralev.com/)
- Absolute versus relative
- Permissions
(image: http://elvissantana.com/home.html)
- chmod
- chown
- chgrp
- umask
- clear
- alias
- ctrl+a/e/u
- history; up/down arrows
- tab completion
- more/less
- head/tail
- grep
- wc
- diff
- find
- |
- !
- &
- >
- <
- ^
- $
- pico
- vi
- emacs
- Tweaking the ~/.bashrc
- ~/.bash_login
- tar
- gzip, gunzip
- screen
- mail, pine
- cron
- awk, sed
- ssh
- sftp
- scp
- git
- ping
- ps
- du
- df
- top
- man pages
- the Internet!
- books
- UNIX and Linux 4th edition, Visual Quickstart Guide (Deborah Ray, Eric Ray)
- @ellesuzuki
- Elle Yoko Suzuki