Sites that aggregate news or prices about Ellaism. Add to this list as new sites are discovered. We keep this list so we can check these sites to make sure they are accurate and to monitor them for comments/discussion.
In this section be sure to include the site URL and the last time an update was requested.
Problem: Repo is pointing to go-ellaism it makes the coin look inactive. Update Requested by: None
Problem: Social score of 0, missing facebook, twitter and blog info. Update Requested by: None
Problem: Repo activity is 0, pointing at multi-geth Update Requested by: None
Problem: Wallet section out of date, Exchanges out of date, Twitter point to wrong account, Missing Facebook Page, Missing Explorer, Marked as "not" mineable, yet it lists mining software that seems out of date or incomplete, Indacoin lets you buy ELLA with USD Update Requested by: None
Problem: Pointing at incorrect repo, makes project look like it has 0 activity.
Update Request by: Steve Mulligan, Requested they change the repo to point at the website instead of go-ellaism.
Last checked: 2018-06-29 by @stevemulligan